Ch 6: First Time for Everything

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Chapter 6: First Time for Everything

They arrived on the second floor and walked out and down the hall and looked for the yellow tag on a door

"Hey Nick" Bluey asked

"Yeah" Nick responded

"You think we'll be good at shooting?" She said

"Eh I'm not sure that's what training is for" Nick said

"Yeah I know, but in general" Bluey said

"I mean I was a pretty good shot with a nerf gun when I was a kid" Nick responded

"Nerf gun?" She questioned

"You don't know what a nerf gun is?" He asked

"No idea what your saying" she said

"Aww man I should teach you about them they're fun to play around with" Nick said as he noticed the door with the yellow tag

"Oh we're here" he said as he opened the door

The two walked into the room to see a human sitting behind a desk working on something on the table and as the approach the table they looked up at the two

"Ah you must be the new recruits ey? Well nice to meet ya names Burt I'll be your firearms instructor" Burt said as he stood up and walked around the table he's wearing a nano suit with purple with yellow lines splitting the purple around the wrists and collar

"So I got a question for ya two have you shot a gun before?" Burt asked and the two shook their head no

"Okay... This might be harder than I expected" Burt said as he turned around to the item he was working on the table

"Alright this 'putting the item in front of them' this is an EBS-C rifle this is the main combat rifle for the U.G and you two are going to learn on how to operate and maintain this rifle like it's your new born child" Burt said

"Now you two are going to the range to learn on how to shoot I hope you at least hit the target" Burt said as he poked the air and the wall opened and a lift came to the top and Burt got on and waved them to follow him

The three got to the ground and Nick can see five targets at different ranges and he sees a table with two EBS-Cs

"Alright you two grab your rifle and just try to guess on how to load it" Burt said as he stood at the side and observe

Nick grabbed the rifle and looked at it and noticed that there's a empty slot on the top and he sees an Ion battery next to the rifle he grabbed the battery and put it in the slot and he pushed a button and the gun turned a bluish green

"Alright you know how to load it now be careful it's live after you pushed the button now I want you to hit that target that's 100 meters out I'll be observing your performance" Burt said as he went to the other side behind Bluey observing her trying to load the rifle

Nick aimed the rifle at the target and pressed the trigger and the same color of the weapon shot out in a bolt of energy and kicked back Nick's shoulder and he looked were the shot went and it hit the target which surprised that he hit it, but he's proud that he did hit the target

"Nice shot kid your a natural" Burt said as he patted Nick's back

Bluey is aiming down the range and she took her shot and she didn't expect the kick and she made a little yelp and she looked at the target and she missed

"Aww I missed" she said

"Don't worry kid we're trying things for the first time practice makes perfect" Burt said as he placed his hand on her shoulder

"Okay" she said as she aimed down the range again for another shot

After awhile of shooting the two got hang of shooting they were hitting targets and they were able to shoot a rifle

They arrived back into the room and Burt talked with them

"Alright you two now know how to operate and fire a gun now you guys are ready for tomorrow when you guys are going to be trained on how to operate U.G vehicles, but now you guys can go home and rest" Burt said

"Really? it felt like a couple hours" Nick said

"Trust me kid I've felt that to, but and hour here is two back home it's close to night and you two need your rest now you'll need to head down the hall to a green tag room that's where you're going home" Burt said

"Alright see you tomorrow" Bluey said

"Yeah see ya" Burt said as he went back to work on the EBS-C

The two looked down at the end of the hall and see the green tag on the door of the room they're heading to and they started walking towards it

"Wow and hour here is two back home" Bluey said

"Yeah I guess we're on a different planet after all" Nick said

"How'd you like my shooting?" Bluey asked

"I think you did well" Nick said

"I think you did better" Bluey said

"No I think we're the same" Nick said

"No you hit the target with your first shot I missed with mine" She said

"So? You hit your second shot that's still hitting the target" Nick said

"Don't beat yourself up for missing your first shot it's your first time shooting a rifle" Nick said as he put his hand on her shoulder

"Okay" she said

The two made it to the room and they see a pad on the floor and there's a human looking at a screen and they turned to look at the two at the doorway

"Oh hello you two are heading home?" The woman asked

"Yes ma'am we are" Nick said

"Alright stand on the pad and I'll send you home" the woman said as she started taping on the screen

The two stood on the pad as instructed

"Alright where are you two heading?" The woman asked

"Uhhh the U.G building" Nick said

"Alright I assume the newest one in Earth-C?" the woman asked

"Earth-C?" Nick asked

"Yeah because ya know... her" she said as she pointed at Bluey

"Oh yeah that right then" Nick said

"Alright you guys may feel nauseous on the other side, but don't worry that's a common effect of teleportation" the woman said as she pressed the button

"Hope you have a good night" she said as they both disappeared in light

[End of Chapter 6]

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