Ch 8: The Request

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Chapter 8: The Request

Nick stood up scared of the man and wondered why is he in his apartment until he realizes that he knows him from somewhere

"Wait... Your real?" Nick asked the man

"Well I did say I'll contact you when you get your P.I didn't I?" The man said as he took a seat

"But what's with me when you can appear here?" Nick questioned

The man stood up and went towards Nick and stick out his arm and went through Nick's chest

"Whoa" Nick responded as the man took back his hand

"See that's why I need you as I can't do it myself. Trust me if I could I wouldn't need your help" the man said as he sat down on a chair at the table

"Okay I want to know will others see you if they can why not ask someone else?" Nick asked

"Nope you're the only one that can see me the rest will only think you're crazy and talk to yourself, besides it saves me energy to manifest to one person" The man said as a cup appears in front of him and he took it and sips from it

"Alright what do you want from me" Nick said as he took a seat across from the man

"Well Nick you know about the C.P.I right" the man said

"Yeah what about them" Nick said

"I need them gone well more specifically their leader" the man says as he took another sip

"I'mma stop you there, you think that I can infiltrate a compound, go through hundreds of armed guards, and kill a leader and get out alive? Are you insane!?" Nick said as he slammed his hand on the table

"Nick your special you have potential for doing good for this world especially with my help" the man said as he stood up

"Your going to help me how?" Nick asked

"Well I'm the only one being seen by you aren't I? I can help you sneak pass the guards and help you with codes that goes to the doors within said compound" the man said

"Alright what's in it for me?" Nick asked

"Well you'll get crowded as a hero and I get a thorn out of my side it's a win win" the man said

"Do we have a deal?" The man reached out his hand for a shake

"What time do I have?" Nick asked

"Well next month would be the weakest the compound will be as they're going to raid a U.G planet that's when we can strike" the man said

"Hmmm alright I'll help you" Nick said as he shook the hand of the man

"Alright make sure you train as you'll need it" the man said as he opened a window a leap from it

Nick rushed to find the man gone without a trace of him being there Nick went and sat on the couch and put his hands on his head

"What did I get myself into?"

*Other side of the city*

"Thank you" Bluey said as the hover car flew off leaving her in front of a house

"Okay I can do this" Bluey said to herself as she walked up to the door and knocked

"I'll get it" a voice on the other side of the door said as the door open a red heeler that looks like Bluey's age immerged

The two locked eyes until the red heeler walked up to Bluey and gave her a hug

"Bluey!" The heeler said as Bluey embrace the hug

"Bingo" Bluey said as the two hugged which felt like ages

After Bluey broke the hug she spoke

"I thought you had another year?" Bluey said

"I graduated early" Bingo said as the two walked inside

"How's mum and dad doing" Bluey said

"They're doing fine well except dad as he's trying to set up a new computer, but is having trouble with the holo screen" Bingo said

"Heh classic dad" Bluey said as they were in the kitchen

There's two dogs already in the kitchen a blue heeler like Bluey and a red heeler like Bingo

"Hey mum and dad" Bluey said

"Bluey" both of them said as they walked up to hug her

After the hug was broken Chilli spoke

"How's the new job?" She asked

"It's doing good getting trained well" Bluey said

"That's great to hear your stuff is in your room packed" Chilli said

"Thanks mum for helping me pack I'm just hope you two are going to me okay when I'm not here" Bluey said as her head is down

"Don't worry about us we'll be fine" Chilli said as she put her hand on Bluey's shoulder

"Okay I'll get my stuff on a truck and to my new apartment" Bluey said as she walked towards her old room

Bluey made it to the doorway with Bingo behind her

"That's alot of boxes" Bluey said

"Need help?" Bingo asked

"Sure I just didn't know I got this much stuff" Bluey said

Bluey and Bingo got started and were putting the boxes outside until Bingo noticed something

"Bluey what are you wearing?" Bingo asked

"Oh uh it's my uniform for my new job" Bluey said

"U.G... Bluey don't tell me you join them" Bingo asked

"Don't worry I'll be fine" Bluey said

"No Bluey you know how many people that died in that organization!" Bingo yelled

"Bingo calm down" Bluey said as she put her hand on Bingos shoulder

"Bluey I don't want you to go" Bingo said

"Bingo it's my choice don't worry I can handle myself" Bluey said

"But I don't want to lose you" Bingo started to cry

"Bingo don't I'll make sure to call you every day okay" Bluey said as she wiped Bingos tears away

"Okay" Bingo said with a sniffle

After the boxes were outside and the hover truck flew in and picked them up the hover car behind pulled in to pick Bluey up

"I guess this is goodbye" Bluey said

"I guess so" Bandit said

All four hugged for awhile until the car beeped to hurry up and Bluey got in

"Goodbye!" Bluey said as the car flew up and out and went to the city

[End of Chapter 8]

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