Ch 10: Warming Up

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Chapter 10: Warming Up

Nick woke up in confusion as where's he's at, but then realized he accidently fell asleep on the couch which made him embarrassed at the fact that he fell asleep at a neighbor's apartment without asking first

Nick looked around and found a blanket on him which he picked up and folded and placed it at the side

"She gave me a blanket that's kind of her" Nick thought as he got up from the couch and stretched as he slept sitting up which wasn't the worst position that he slept in

"Well morning sleepyhead" A voice spoke which started Nick

Nick looked over where the voice came from which is Bluey standing at the doorway

"Oh Bluey sorry that I slept here I didn't really slept last night and-" Nick was cut off

"It's fine Nick it's the least I can do for your help" Bluey said as she walked into the kitchen

"Tea?" She asked

"Uh sure" Nick said as he figured she'd be mad or disappointed for his action last night, but he didn't think too hard about it as he sat at the table

After the kettle was whistling Bluey grabbed two cups and the kettle and poured out the water and grabbed some tea bags and walked to the table

"Here you go, it's not the best tea on the market, but it'll do" Bluey said as she gave Nick the cup with the bag in

"Thanks" Nick said as he looked at the cup with the tea brewing

"So uh Bluey aren't you mad?" Nick asked while he waited for the tea to brew

"Mad? Why would I be mad?" She responded

"Well I slept on your couch I mean we barely know each other" Nick said

"Well I didn't want to wake you I figured I'd let you get your sleep" Bluey said as she took her bag of out

"Huh... thanks I guess?" Nick said as he took his bag out

Awkward silence is deafing as they were looking away from each other not making eye contact until Nick broke it with his sip of his tea

"Wow this is actually good" Nick said as he went to take another sip

"You think so?" Bluey asked

"I mean I never really had tea before" Nick said

"You've never had tea before?" Bluey said

"Nope never had it until now" Nick said as he finished the cup

"Um your supposed to drink it slow..." Bluey said

"Your supposed to drink it slowly?" Nick said as he looked at the cup

"Yeah you're supposed to enjoy the flavor" she said as she took a sip

"I mean I did like the flavor enough to drink it fast" Nick said which made Bluey giggle

"Yeah I guess you're right" she said

Nick looked at the clock which was 6 and Nick spoke

"Well I guess I'll go get ready for our training today it's been good chatting with you" Nick said as he stood up

"Yeah it's been good chatting with ya too" Bluey said as they locked eyes for a second and Nick walked out the door and closed it

Nick sighed and started the walk back

"Detecting high heart rate is their a problem?" A voice rang threw Nick's head which startled him

"Oh I forgot I had you I'm fine Bit" Nick said as he closed his door

"What's causing your heart to elevate that high" Bit asked

"It's nothing I'm good" Nick said as he went to his closet and grabbed new clothes

"But I'm curious Nick on what caused that reaction" Bit said as Nick was heading to the bathroom

"Don't be I'm fine Bit don't over react" Nick said as he started the water in the shower

"Researching causes in elevated heart rate... Results found elevated heart rate could be caused by physical activity, medical condition, seeing something or someone that gives a chemical in the brain which can make a person excited" Bit said

"Is it the last one Nick?" Bit questioned

"What seeing something or someone to get me excited?" Nick said

"Yes because I sense the elevated heart rate when you looked at your friend's eyes" Bit said

"You mean Bluey?" Nick said

"Yes Bluey's eyes" Bit said to correct it's self

"I don't know Bit it's not my heart's fault for beating fast" Nick said

"Nick you might be in what you call love" Bit said

"Love!? No I don't love her..." Nick said as he looked in the mirror and see his cheeks is red

"Do I?" Nick questioned

After awhile Nick got out of the shower and into some new clothes and while he's heading out the door that thought of him loving Bluey came into his mind again which made him think on it as he walked out the door

"Do I really love her? I mean we really didn't get to know each other that much, man what I'm I thinking right now" Nick thought as he walked down the stairs

Nick was about to call his usual ride until he hears footsteps from the stairs

"Oh hey Nick" Bluey said as she is walking down the stairs

"Oh hey Bluey" Nick said which gave him an idea

"Oh Bluey I was about to call for a ride you want to car pool?" Nick requested

"Oh sure I wouldn't mind" she said

Nick called it in and in a couple minutes later the hover car was outside and the two got in and the car flew up and started to head to their destination

Nick was looking out the window and then he looked at Bluey and he looked her up and down and he looked back out the window and internally sighed

"I might actually love her"

[End of Chapter 10]

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