Ch 4: Learning The Ropes

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Chapter 4: Learning The Ropes

Nick woke up to a beautiful blue sky and it was warm like a blanket of light as the sun was shining on him

He looked around to find himself in a forest, but something was off Bluey wasn't next to him which confused him on where she is

He stood up and then something appeared in his vision which startled him

"Hello" a voice said

"Ah! what the hell" Nick responded

"Don't be alarmed I'm your personal intelligence P.I for short" the voice replied as a menu appeared in front of Nick

"Whoa..." Nick said as he was amazed at the fact that the P.I can send things into his vision

"This is your log on your P.I take the time to read it" the voice said as Nick looked at the menu

The menu has his picture up on the top left with his full name and age next to it and it displays his rank which he found it nice to have this information about himself

"Okay I'm finished" Nick responded

"Okay here's your mission log on what you need to do" the voice said as another menu popped up

"Head to the extraction point..." Nick said to himself

"Where's the extraction point?" Nick asked

"Your extraction point is 2.6 kilometers away from your location" the voice replied

"2.6! That's ages away" Nick said as he looked at the direction of the point of the extraction" Nick said

"Don't worry I'm sure your buddy can help you get there" the voice said

"Buddy? What buddy?" Nick asked

"Your buddy Bluey Heeler" the voice said

"But she's not here" Nick said

"Oh... Calculating... There's seems to be a mix up in coordinates of teleportation you want me to ping her location?" The voice said

"Wait you can do that?" Nick asked

"As your P.I it's my duty to help any users problems at the best of my ability" the voice said

"Alright yes ping her location" Nick asked

"Alright... Pinging... Her location is 600 meters north towards the extraction point status... unconscious" the voice said

"Wait she's unconscious!?" Nick asked

"Don't worry she's fine she's still in the process of waking up from the teleport" the voice said

"Oh alright" Nick said as he started to walk to the location where Bluey is

After awhile Nick was halfway to her location, but Nick decided to ask his P.I something

"So P.I" Nick asked

"Yes Nick" the voice replied

"Do you have a name besides P.I?" Nick asked

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