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Summary: Divorce court. Ransom and Jake find out. You need to spend time with someone that doesn't have a dick

Pairings: Ransom Drysdale X Reader (friends), Jake Jensen X Reader (friends), Andy Barber X Reader (past)

Rating: Explicit

Warnings: Explicit language, divorce court, mentioning of Andy's abuse on reader, mentions of sex, mentions of stalking/being followed, slight slut shaming, argument between reader and Ransom, 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 5.8k

Holding your head high you walk in the courtroom flanked by Ransom and Jake, Mike walking right in front

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Holding your head high you walk in the courtroom flanked by Ransom and Jake, Mike walking right in front. He had told you, "Eyes up front. Don't look at him, don't engage with him." He also gave Ransom and Jake warnings not to show any anger, to remain calm, no matter what. Walking in you notice Harlan not far behind. Both Jake and Ransom give you a quick kiss to the cheek, sitting with Harlan.

"Hey, we're all here for you. Only speak when spoken to. We went through the possible questions, should they arise. Be honest, that's it," Mike tells you, slightly rubbing his hand down your back. You choke back tears when you hear Andy's gait walk in. "Don't look over there."

His walk is so sure and arrogant, walking beside him, his colleague Joanna, but you look straight ahead. There's a quiet rumble in the courtroom, even though there's not many in here. You're not stupid, you know this is a relatively big case, the perfect Andy Barber getting a divorce. The bailiff walks in the courtroom, "All rise," he booms, letting Judge Donnelly walk in. "Thank you, Bill. You may sit," she pulls out a file while everyone shuffles around. "Alright, this is a big ordeal for a divorce case, and custody. Mr. Weiss?"

"My client has sustained a nightmare the majority of her relationship and marriage with Mr. Barber. He not only was mentally and emotionally abusive, but physically. He allowed his twin brother to stay with his wife, unbeknownst to her, to in his words 'keep her occupied' while he visited his niece in Florida. Switching out her birth control for sugar pills, because he wanted a child, knowing she was having an affair. After becoming pregnant he made her quit her job, and become a stay-at-home mom, completely dependent on him. Everything came to a head when they got into a fight, the father of one of her twins was returning his daughter, and was able to stop the fight. Mr. Drysdale had sent out an SOS alerting police, which Sheriff Bodecker arrived on the scene, removing my client and her daughter out of the house."

"Mr. Weiss, please. We'll get to all this momentarily. Mr. Barber, while he doesn't want to, I see, is willing to agree to the divorce, although some of these requests need to be changed. He's asking for sole custody of Iris Barber?"

It takes everything in you not to want to storm over to Andy, "Your honor, he has since been found not to be the biological father of Iris."

"And who is the father? I'm not seeing this in the notes," she looks between you and Andy eyes wide.

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