Favors With a Price

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Summary: How involved is Ari?

Pairings: Andy Barber X Reader (Separated), Jake Jensen X Reader (Friends)

Rating: Explicit

Warnings: Explicit language, mentions of abuse, mentions of stalking, 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 1k

Andy paces his living room, sick and tired of you being gone

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Andy paces his living room, sick and tired of you being gone. Pissed that he legally can't see Aster, and you're refusing to let him see Iris. He knew this isn't how things were supposed to go. Definitely not how it was supposed to be. And not knowing where you are, barely responding to his calls or texts. He feels you're being coached as to what to say, because everything in return is straight to the point answers, and he's had enough. He needs his good girl back.

His hand pulls out his phone, the lock screen still a happy photo of his family, and he can't believe that the rich ass hole has made you act this way. Made you think there was anything but him. He contemplates this call, he really does, but he can't handle it anymore.

"What do you want now, Andy? You back in jail?"

"Very funny. No, I need a favor."

"Oh no. Your favors come with a price. I told you after the last time I was done. Told you I wanted no part of yours and Frank's screwed up lives."

"What if I told you, that you'd get to meet your niece."

"Nieces, I've got three."

"You've got two. I have a restraining order against Aster, and biologically she's not mine. So, until my wife gets her head out of her ass and returns home, I can't see her, and even then, it's going to be a long legal process to get that dropped."

"You ever think maybe you shouldn't abuse your wife? You had all you wanted. You let Frank meddle in your marriage, hell Andy, you let him meddle in your relationship before you even started dating her. Do you realize how fucked up this whole situation is, and it's all because of you. She left because of you. And you need to let you hatred towards Ransom go."

Andy grits his teeth, trying his best not to let his rage out. He knows that while he fights dirty in court, Ari just fights dirty. Everything is physical with Ari. "We're not talking about him, I have my reasons. But I need your help one more time."


"Don't act like you didn't have your part to play."

"Fucking hell, twice I helped you, and only when you couldn't get your little lackey to follow her. And the second time was when you thought she was sneaking around again. What happened after I told you she went to Ransom's, you hit her then too?"

"You don't know what it's like to fucking live with her!" Andy is losing control of his temper. His breath heaves as he tries to calm down.

"No, but Frank does. What is it that you even need? Haven't you done enough, you twisted fuck?"

"I need to know where she's living."

"Why? You gonna sling her around there too? I'm not doing it Andy. I've never even met her or my nieces."

"You've met Mary. What was it that you said? You couldn't look at her," Andy's mouth turns up into a cruel smirk.

"Yeah, and you knew why. I should have been able to meet these. So, my answer is still no."


Needing to pick up a few groceries, and as Jake said toys for him and the girls, you four set out for the store. Running off down a game aisle Jake leaves you. You just laugh and push the cart over to the toy section to pick up something for them, because he insisted.

You look through the myriad of baby toys, showing them something, but most of the time they're not interested in the toys, too caught up and giggling with themselves. It's calm and you feel at peace for the moment. Enjoying the more fun and childlike side of life. Knowing that you sneaking into Jake's bed when you can't sleep is wrong, and at your next session with Bucky, you know he'll have something to say.

Perusing through the aisle you hear a clearing of the throat. Assuming it's not for you, you choose to ignore it. "Excuse me?" you turn and look at the mountain of a man, tall and beefy, and looking out of place in the girl's toy section. "I'm sorry, can I bother you to help me?"

"What's the problem?"

"It's my nieces' birthday, well one of theirs, but I've got two other nieces I haven't got to meet, so I wanted to get them something, too."

You can't help but think this is the sweetest thing. The man clearly a bachelor, and he wants to buy all three of his nieces a gift. "How old are they?"

"The oldest is seven, the younger ones are almost one."

"Oh, well, I don't know about seven-year-old, but my little ones really like...this," you walk down the aisle and pick up a toy, and the man makes a face.

"Pretty sure they already have that toy. If you could get any toy for your daughters, what would you get?"

You continue to help the man, and he gives you a charming smile before walking away with his toys. You continue down the aisles, still searching for something, anything for the girls. "You guys really don't need any more toys, do you?" they giggle shaking their head no. "Didn't think so. Let's go find...woah," you jump back as Jake comes skirting towards you on the cart full of the food. "Easy, tiger. You find what you were wanting?"

"Yes! And, look at these cool little shirts for the girls," proudly he holds up two Journey shirts. "Cool huh?"


"Bad ass."

"Excuse you, mister, they're not even one. You tell Jakey that you're not bad ass, you're cute."

The girls turn to look at him chattering and furrowing their brows, a bunch of nonsense, but it's intensely serious. "Traitors," Jake says down to them. "By the way, I prefer when you call me tiger."

"You only get that name on special occasions Jakey Boy," you call out to him as you walk towards the front. "Let's go, we gotta get supper cooked."

"We? But I just got a game," his voice whines and he throws his head back dramatically. "Couldn't we just eat pizza rolls?"

"Again? No no," you smile down at the girls, who follow with your head shaking. "We,are going to work together so it gets done quicker. Now come on tiger."

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