And The Father Is...?

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Summary: And the father is...

Pairings: Andy Barber X Reader, Ransom Drysdale X Reader (past)

Rating: Explicit

Warnings: Explicit language, mentions of cheating, mentions of forced pregnancy, paternity tests, angry Ransom and Andy 18+ ONLY

Word Count: 3.7k

Andy and you walk into the office that Ransom told you to be at

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Andy and you walk into the office that Ransom told you to be at. Andy holds tightly to Aster, while you hold Iris. Your eyes flick around, you would never peg this place to be somewhere to get a DNA test. Andy whispers to Aster before kissing her cheek sweetly. You hate to think that whatever this determines, it could take Aster away from him, or even Iris, and worse both.

A quick open of the door, and you watch Ransom sit down across from Andy, smug smile planted on his face. Aster being the more outgoing of the twins turns her head to look at the stranger. Her deep blue eyes smile at him, and Andy struggles to get her attention off Ransom. When she lets out a piercing shriek trying to look at Ransom you nearly giggle. Andy decides it best to just spin the girl around so she can freely look at Ransom, and it warms your heart the smile that Ransom gives the small girl.

You can see in his eyes that he's scared at the possible prospect of being their father. And you're unsure why he's pushing this so much. "Mr. Barber? They're ready for you."

"Would it be easier to bring the twins back?" Andy asks, already standing with Aster. You stand ready to follow.

"No, everyone will come back individually. That way there's no room for cross contamination."

Andy turns to hand you Aster, giving all three of you a quick kiss before walking back with the assistant. Trying to ignore Ransom, you spend your time only on the girls. Aster tries to spin to look back at Ransom. "I could hold one if you need help."

"No, thank you."

Out of the corner of your eyes you can see him roll his own his. "Have it your way," Aster continues to giggle and babble over at Ransom to the point that you can't ignore it. "She looks like me."


"She does. Same eyes, huh? Andy always the one to hold her?"

"No, but she does have a good bond with Andy. She's a daddy's girl," you look down at your smiling girl. She really is a daddy's girl. Her deep blue eyes always shine up at Andy when he's around.

"Can I please hold her?"

"Ran, what are you getting out of this? What if neither are your kids and now, you're getting attached?"

"I'm trying here."

You finally look over at Ransom, actually look. He does look nearly sad, having what he's already deemed as his daughter, so close, and yet so far away. "I don't know. This isn't going to take long."

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