Chapter 2 Kimberly

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So for Kimberly it was a completely different story. She hated boys. She thought they were stupid,ugly,and rude ,but most of all they are self centered. And manly because she has 5 brothers.

But Mia had no idea what it is like to live with boys. Mia would date every boy she came across. But for Kimberly.... if a guy asked her out she would beat them up and give them a piece of her mind. But there was this one time where she got dared to kiss a boy.

Oh how she hated that idea no one wanted to kiss her so who would she kiss. I have an idea she said. I will kiss, mike McKinney. She kinda sorta likes him but not that much. She blushed.

Oh how she wanted to kiss him. But she remembered how rude and stuck up they were. So she just left the sleepover. Kimberly is a tomboy so she doesn't really like pink and furry stuff.

But does she love boys and not know it ?

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