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So I'm gonna do a couple of these things were imma write why the characters are where they are. Chyna is also narrating the story.


March 19th 2003 Tia Rosalinda was in labor for 10 hours. She said it was the most painful thing in her life, nothing like she ever felt before. Said it was all worth it and that she was the happiest person in the world. 8 pounds 5 ounces, 19.7 inch.

Tia Rosalina: This baby right here is the most precious thing in my life and nothing will change that.

Doctor: Congratulations, you have a healthy baby. He have a name yet?

Tia Rosalinda: Carlos, Carlos Joseph.

Doctor: Well I'll leave you and Carlos Joseph to rest, If you need anything just press that button and we'll come as soon as we can and again congratulations.

Tia Rosalinda: Thank you.

Tia Rosalinda was on cloud 9 with her baby boy. She looked at him with so much love, something that now Carlos wouldn't be able to say he's ever seen.



Carlos screamed at his drunk mom stumbling across the living room.

Tia Rosalinda: Carlos cállate and help me to my bed.

She said covering her eyes due to the morning sunlight coming in through the blinds.

Carlos: Why can't you be a normal mom!? Why can't you be loving, why do you keep having kids and not take care of them. You take my money to spend it all on FUCKING beer and men that you don't even know. You don't fucking work YOU FUCKING WHORE.

Tia Rosalinda snapped and charged at Carlos with all her force. She pushed Carlos up against the fridge, she hit and hit him and all Carlos could do was cover himself. He couldn't hit his mother, not matter what she did he always loved his mother. Once she was done she fell to the floor tired.

Tia Rosalinda: Now, help me to my fucking bed cabron.

Carlos just stared at his mom with so much anger but yet he still helped her to her room.

Carlos came out of his moms room after helping her to her bed. He closed the door and leaned up against the wall sliding down. He let out a long sigh holding the bridge of his nose. Thoughts ran through his mind "I need to get the fuck out of here".

Once he got himself together he slowly looked up and he saw his 4 little siblings staring at him from their room they all shared. Miguel, Diego, Mateo, and Little Mariana. Diego, Mateo, and Mariana had tears running down their faces, they had obviously heard what happened. Miguel looked like he couldn't understand his emotions. He looked angry, sad, confused.

Little Marianna ran to Carlos hugging him, he hugged her back trying to comfort her. It broke his heart seeing them like this. He knew he had to get them out but how could he? He was only 18, barely made enough and yet his mom would take his money.

Mateo: Carlos i'm scared, why do you let mami hit you?

Diego: I don't want to live with her anymore.

Carlos: I know Diego, I'm sorry you guys have to go through this and Mateo come here.

Carlos pulled Mateo closer to him wrapping his free arm around him.

Carlos: Mami doesn't know what she's doing ok. Don't be scared of her. I need you to be strong. What does doña Marta always tell you guys?

Diego & Mateo: Ser valiente siempre da más fuerza.

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