Mind fuck

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Rafas POV

I don't understand. It's been 2 weeks since I last saw Adrianna. She's been avoiding me at school and I tried reaching out to her pero nada. I have a weird pit feeling whenever I think about her, they way she left had me confused. I've also been seeing Chyna around that punk Christiano.

In 4th period it's different now. Sitting next to her is driving me crazy. I see her looking at him and talking to him. It makes want to beat his fuckin ass. I think he has a problem with me. When I turn to look at them he gives me this stupid ass smirk and I want to wipe it off his fuckin face each time.

Chyna on the other hand tries to not look at me and if she does she quickly looks away as if she gets embarrassed. I'm trying to give her space but when our arms touch I get that little feeling again pero pues bueno ya que. I think it's for the best...

Chyna's POV

Lately I've been spending most of my free time with Christiano while my friends were busy since he came back from his disappearance. It's been great. My cousin abril on the other hand keeps showing up every single time we almost get serious. Not great. I love her but it seems that she pops out of thin air. Like I've said before we need to put a bell on her.

It was starting to become routine where we walk to class together since Carlos takes Tiana away from me all the time. It's been nice, I've never had a guy walk me to class so it was kinda cute.

Rafas been more awkward than usual. I see him staring at me a lot and when I catch his eye he doesn't look away, he holds eye contact with me and arches his eyebrow which makes me nervous. Ive seen him glare at Christiano a few times. I don't know how to feel about that as we "agreed" we'd move on and live our lives but there is a longing feeling whenever we'd look at each other. It's crazy.


The bell had rang ending school. Christiano and I meet up in front of the benches to walk together to the car. I wrapped my arms around his but yet his hands still in his pockets. We were talking about how our day went as that became a daily ritual for us.

Christiano stopped abruptly and as he was shoulder checked by non other than Rafa. We turned around to look back. Christiano moved my hands away from his as he walked up to Rafa grabbing his shoulder making him turn around.

Christiano: What's your fucking problem?

Rafa's face was smug and let out a chuckle

Rafa: I don't know what your taking about buddy.

Christiano: Oh so right now when you shoulder checked me was nothing?

Rafa: Look homie there are a whole bunch of people here. Maybe I was pushed into you and you just didn't seem to notice that.

Christiano: We're not homies, I know it was you. I know you have a problem with me. I see the way you look at me, at Chyna. You're mad and it makes you angry inside. I know your blood boils when I'm around her.

Rafa just laughs at him.

Rafa: Look Imma just let you know.

Rafa gets closer to Christiano putting his hand on his shoulder and says lowly.

Rafa: I already had her. It ain't nothing new to me my boy. She's still my girl. Maybe not right now but let me tell you. You're just a rebound and before you know it she'll be back in my arms.

I see Christianos face drops so that makes my stomach drop. I walk up to them to find out what happened.

Chyna: What's going on? 

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