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Victoria: MA I DONT KNOW WHATS GOING ON WITH HER. I can't get her to calm down. She can't hear me

Mama stood up as quickly as she could. She didn't have to hear another word.

Mama: Quien?

Victoria: Isis

Mamá ran towards her room. She pushed the door all the way open and saw Isis sitting on the floor hyperventilating with her hand on her chest.


Chyna didn't hear her mom, all she could think about in that moment was that she felt like she was going to die.

Mama: hija calma, estás bien, respira despacio

Victoria: do I call an ambulance?

Mama: No espérate, es un ataque de pánico. Ve ala cocina y ve si tenemos té por favor

Victoria hurriedly went to the kitchen to look for the things

Mama tried to talk to Chyna. Chyna still couldn't hear her. In that moment mama could only think about one thing. Slapping her to bring her out of what she was in.

Mama sighed and tried to talk to her once more.

Mama: Hija... Chyna me escuchas... ISIS HIJA

With that mamá slapped her bringing her out of the trance that she seemed she was in.

Chyna looked at her mom shocked holding her face.

Mama: Perdóname hija es que de alguna manera tenía que sacarte de cómo estabas.

Chyna reached towards her mom. Tears streaming down her face. Her mom engulfed her. She started stroking her hair and rocking her like she use to when she was a baby.

Mama looked towards the door, seeing her other kids and nephews looking in to see what had happened.

Orlando looked at his mom concerned. Mama just shook her head.

Orlando turned around telling his siblings and cousins to move along to the living room.

Victoria had finally came back.

Victoria: I found the tea. I put them all on the kitchen table.

Mama: Gracias hija

Mama looked down at Chyna.

Mama: hija que pasó, que tienes?

Chyna finally stopped crying and slowly looked up at her mom

Chyna: No se Que pasó de repente me sentí muy estresada y luego mi corazón empezó a palpitar rápido.

She said between low sobs

Mamá: De que te estresaste?

Chyna: no se ma

Obviously she knew why she felt like this but of course she couldn't tell her mom.

Mama: Ven vamos ala cocina y te hacemos un té

Chyna followed her mom to the kitchen, on her way she saw her family in the living room. They all looked worried.

Chyna sat at the table while her mom made her tea. Still trying to keep it together. Everything still feels like it's in slow motion. Her shoulders tensed, headache strong, still shakey but better than before.

After drinking her tea and being with her mom for a while she started to feel better. Her shoulders not as tense and her mind clearer.

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