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credits to lanawinterscigarettes on tumblr

Description: you love listening to your girlfriend tell you about her day

A/N: just a cute lil fic with Caroline because she's an underrated cutie and I love her sm <3 (the title is a work in progress lol, I couldn't think of anything else)

Warnings: none, just fluffy goodness


You loved hearing about how Caroline's day went. Her sitting down and giving you a detailed description over her last twenty-four hours always made you happy, especially knowing that other people tended to brush off her eagerness and attempt at making conversation way too often for your taste.

She'd recently gotten back from a day of shopping with her friends, so naturally it was only fitting that she show you every single item she purchased. You smiled to yourself as you watched her enthusiastically pull out yet another shopping bag- no doubt paid for by the money on her mother's credit card.

"-and then, we went shoe shopping, and I found the most adorable pair of ankle boots!" Caroline exclaimed as she held up the shoe box. She took off the lid and unwrapped them from the paper they came in, handing one of them to you. "I mean, aren't they just the cutest?"

"They are," you agreed, examining the shoe you were holding before handing it back to her. "I take it you had fun?"

"So much fun!" She returned the shoe to its box and set it down on the floor. "I only wish you could have been there with me, I could have found something for you, too," she pouted.

"I know, but I was busy today unfortunately. Maybe some other time," you offered.

She perked up almost immediately. "Really? That'd be great! You can come shopping with me, and I'll get to spend time with you while I help you pick out a cute new outfit. Plus, it'll give you the opportunity to get to know Elena and Bonnie better. It's a win-win!"

You let out a chuckle, giving her a moment of pause.

"What's so funny? Was it something I said?"

"No, I just love how passionate you are about things," you admitted, reaching your hand out to hold hers while you looked into her eyes. "It's one of the things I love about you."

Her usually pale face had a rosy hue about it; your kind words had caused her to blush. "Aw, you're so sweet. That's one of the things I love about you!" She retaliated before using her finger to give you a boop on the nose.

"You're so sweet," you hummed, pulling her in for a kiss. She tangled her fingers through yours, and you could feel her smile against your lips.

After your kiss was finished, Caroline suddenly hopped up excitedly and grabbed yet another bag off the floor that she had previously forgotten about.

"I can't believe I never showed you this shirt!" She held it against the top half of her body. "Cute, right? I got it on sale," she beamed joyfully. "What do you think?"

"I think it'll look great on you," you said honestly, her grin getting even wider than before, something you didn't think was even possible.

"Really? Okay, I'm going to go try it on so I can model it for you. Be right back!"

As you watched her leave, you couldn't help but think about how lucky you were to have her in your life. 

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