everything right FINN MIKAELSON

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CREDS TO specialagentlokitty ON TUMBLR

Sitting on the step outside the mansion, you sighed to yourself as stared at all the cars parked out the front.

"It's a ball, you should be inside."

Looking up at Caroline, you gave a small shrug.

"I don't even want to be here. This blows."

"Come on, have some fun!" She laughed softly.

You shook your head at her and stuff up, smoothing down your shirt as you adjusted your jacket.

"I'm here because I have to be, not cause I want to be. I'm off to sit in my car, call me if you need me."

With that, you walked away and made you way over to the far side of the rows of cars.

Looking at the old truck, you climbed up the side and over it, setting yourself into the back as you stared up at the sky.

You passed some time playing games, scrolling through your phone and watching the stars.

When you heard someone approaching you put your phone down and sat up, coming face to face with a man you hadn't seen before.

"Are you not enjoying the ball?" He asked.

"Not really, no offence."

"None taken, allow me to introduce myself, Finn Mikaelson, pleasure to meet you."

Looking at his outstretched hand, you shrugged slightly and shook it.

"(Y/N) (L/N). Nice to meet you I guess."

He smiled softly at you and turned back to the door before turning around to face you once again.

"If you do not enjoy being here, how come you stay?"

You sighed.

"I promised I'd stay, hence the casual clothes. I had no intention of actually going inside."

Finn nodded his head and gestured to the truck.

"May I?"

You narrowed your eyes at the original, you didn't know much about him, but then again no one did, he'd been staked for the last 900 years.

Finally, you nodded your head, and he hopped over, sitting on the other side of the truck bed to you.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" You asked.

"Not at the moment no, I have some time, and you look like you could do with the company."

You laughed a little and nodded your head.

"Yeah I guess so."

You guys sat talking for a little while, you were telling him about the things he'd missed out on, and explain some things he was curious about.

Suddenly he looked up before turning to you with a gentle smile.

"Apologies love, I must go."

"Don't sweat it, go ahead."

"It was a pleasure talking to you, perhaps we can talk again some time?"

You hummed and nodded.

"Sure, ask Elijah to give you my number."

"Of course, thank you again, and here."

He handed you his blazer and before you could protest the vampire was gone.

You folded it and set it in your lap, going back to your phone.

You were responsible for dropped a very pissed of Damon at home, and when you had you drive back to your home.

Carrying the blazer in, you looked at it and draped it over a chair before heading upstairs to sleep.

You didn't have anything else to do, so you slept on, in and when you woke up you saw a message from an unknown number and one from Elijah.

Unknown: hello (Y/N), it is Finn, we met last night. My brother agreed to give me your number

Elijah: My brother Finn asked for your number, I remember you tell me he could have it. I hope you don't mind I gave it to him.

Telling Elijah it was okay, you saved Finn's number and sent him a text.

All day you guys spent texting, and you couldn't wipe the smile of your face.

For an original vampire he was humble, and kind.

You spent the next few days talking to one another before he finally asked if you guys could meet up.

So you did, you met him at the park and the pair of you just wondered around.

You talked about everything and anything, he told you about his life before he was a vampire, but he enjoyed hearing about your life.

The things you did, things you liked and didn't like.

Sitting on a bench, you watched him sit down.

"I've enjoyed these past few days talking with you." He said softly.

"Same, it's a nice difference from everything going on."

You watched his smile fall slightly and you frowned.


"You... are aware of what your friends are doing, right?"

"Yeah, they're going to kill Klaus."

Finn nodded his head.

"Yes, my mother is also going to kill Niklaus, along with the rest of us."


Finn quickly turned around to face you.

"We are all linked, if one dies, so do the rest of us. My mother is going t sacrifice me in a few weeks."

"Finn.. you.. you can't!"

"We should never have been made (Y/N), we are abominations to nature, we must fix the balance."

You frowned a little, you could tell from his tone you weren't going to change his mind, make him reconsider things.

Sadly you nodded your head.

"Okay, well until we'll have to make the most of it."

So you did, every day you spent with him, letting him live a normal life and catch up on all the things we missed.

And when it came to the day he was supposed to die, you couldn't bring yourself to see him, so you didn't, you told him you had to go out of town and that you'd never forget him.

Muting your phone, you spent the whole day asleep, hoping to rid the pain you were feeling.

He deserved so much, but he wanted to die. He didn't want to live anymore.

A knocking on your door woke you up, and tiredly you padded down the stairs and tossed it open.

You stared at the man on the other side.

"Hello sweetheart..." Finn whispered.

You took a step closer to him and slapped him across the face.

"I deserve that."

Reaching up, you lightly hugged him and he held you back.

"No you don't, I'm just mad at you..."

"Forgive me, but I did not want to die. I did, I was tired, but you've made see that maybe living is not so bad. At least with you here I can handle it."

You smiled and took a step away from him.

"Come in."

Finn smiled softly at you and you watched as he walked in.

He was captivated by you, amazed by you.

Everything he had decided he didn't want to wait for he found in you, the reason he wanted to live was you.

Everything seemed to be because of you, and he wanted to explore it more 

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