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Mingi's eyes shot open. He was heavily panting and fiercely shaking. He vigorously kept looking at his left to right, to decipher his surroundings. But then his half-conscious self recognized the familiar interior of his room and realized that it was only a nightmare.

He breathed slowly to urge the upcoming panic attack to ease out. As a person with PTSD, this whole context made it even worse. He straightened up on the bed and hugged his knees. Mingi felt tear drops escaping from his eyes and dropping onto his blanket with an inaudible sound. The first small sob he let out broke Mingi down. He cried alone in the darkness, where no one could hear him. Had no one to talk sweet nothings to his ears while rubbing his back. Had no one to continuously say "It's okay. Just a dream.", until he calms down. His solitary heart couldn't take it anymore.

All he felt was pain and loneliness. He hated his life so freaking much, to the fact that it had added another source of pain when he couldn't even find a way to get flee from his current miseries. He hated how he had to endure everything all by himself. Specially when going through pain. He was strong enough to tolerate the physical pain, whenever he was beaten up until he couldn't even walk or stand up, but his heart wasn't a warrior to overcome the traumas those incidents had caused.

The glass beside his bed dropped to the floor when his shaky hand tried to grab it. It shattered into million pieces resembling his heart for the moment.

"Why's this keep happening to me? Why me? What did I do wrong?"

He cried. Cried until he couldn't. Until tears refused to fall. The silence of the new moon night was disturbed by the tiny muffled sobs of the young but broken Omega Prince.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Sleep never reached Mingi that night. Out of exhaustion, by both crying his heart out and not getting proper sleep, Mingi decided to take full advantage of the last day of his father not being at the castle.

He left the palace as soon as the first light hit the ground. His destination was not too far away from the palace, but for his heart, it felt like a whole journey. A journey from hell to heaven... He pushed the rusty old gate and entered the premises. The surrounding circle of thick forest straight up gave nothing but a creepy vibe to a normal person, yet it had quite the opposite effect on Mingi. Despite him being forbidden from going anywhere at all, even his father couldn't able to restrain him from visiting the only person who Mingi will truly love till the day his last breath leaves him.

His mother.

The palace graveyard became his real home since his mother was taken away from him.

He stood in front of her grave and placed the bouquet of white lilies he brought. Their favorite flower.

After a bow of respect, he sat down leaning on the tombstone. Though he knew it was only him being delusional, he could swear that he could feel his mother's warmth whenever he cuddled up to the stone. The warmth he misses every day. The warmth he will never feel again.

"Mother, how are you? Sorry for not visiting you for quite a while. Father is furious these days for some reason. I was actually scared to ask him for permission. Please forgive me, mother."

He paused for a second as if he was expecting some sort of a reply. He sighed but still continued.

"See, I brought you white lilies. Your favorite. Hope you like them... They are so pretty. Just like you..."

Only the sound of wind blowing filled up the silence between him and heaven.

"Mother, why aren't you coming back to me? Don't you want me? Is heaven too good? Too good to leave? Is that why you're not coming back? Why don't you take me there with you? Take me too mother! I can't do this anymore! I'm tired. It hurts! Everything hurts. I need you! You were the only person who genuinely loved me. Who protected me. Who wished the best for me. Now I have no one. Not even you."

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