Male Pocahontas: Hold on to Me

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Grandmother Willow was talking to a young woman, as she wanted to know many things about the seas. As the black-haired and e/c-eyed woman was listening to Grandmother Willow, she didn't notice the black-haired and eyed man standing behind her. Soon Grandmother Willow went to sleep and the young woman was standing up to leave when someone grabbed her arm to help her up. She turned around to see the chief's son, Pocahontas. He helped her up.

"Thank you, Pocahontas. But shouldn't you be with your father?" She asked him as she gave him a smile.

"No, I was looking for you y/n and father knows." He answered her with a smile as well.

She nodded her head, then they began to make their way back to the tribe. But as Pocahontas turned around he saw a man with blonde hair and blue eyes standing there staring at y/n.

Y/n hid behind Pocahontas as she didn't like the way he was staring at her. Pocahontas whispered to her to get back to the tribe or wait for him. She left and waited for him not far away. Pocahontas got the man to leave, but John Smith, he had introduced himself, had promised he would return. Pocahontas then left to find y/n.

He found her really easily since she jumped onto him. She pulled back and kept asking him questions, but Pocahontas stopped her by kissing her gently. When he pulled away she looked at him in shock.

"I came to find you because I want you to be my wife. We have known each other since we were babies." He began. "And over that time I have fallen in love with you and I don't want to spend the rest of my life with anyone, but you." He continued.

She just stared at him, not knowing what to say. She just continued to stare, until a smile made its way onto her face and tears began to fall. Nodding her head furiously as she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him, whilst burying her face into his chest. He hugged her back tightly and kissed her head.

"I will protect you for the rest of our lives," Pocahontas whispered to y/n as he smiled into her hair.

They soon made their way back to the tribe and when they got there y/n ran off to find her mother and father to tell them the news. Pocahontas went to tell his Father, the chief. While they were talking to their parents, no one noticed the man from over the seas was ready to attack. One thing lead to another and soon a battle had begun. Y/n was taken away like all the children, women and the elderly. When they finally ended the battle, Pocahontas recognised the blonde-haired man from before. He asked him questions before he got him to leave along with all the other men from over the sea.

The first thing Pocahontas did after he made saw they had left, was to look for y/n. He found her talking to the children, calming them down. Before they all started to giggle at something. They started to shout for her to look behind her, but Pocahontas had already got his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Is it alright if I borrow y/n from you all?" Pocahontas had questioned the children, which they all said yes to, apart from one.

"You can't." He had cried out as he hugged y/n leg.

"Why not?" Pocahontas asked the little boy.

"She is my girlfriend."

"But she is to marry me."

"She can't."

"Why not, may I ask?"

"Because she is going to marry me when I'm old enough." The little boy finished his statement as he looked at Pocahontas.

Pocahontas chuckled as y/n just stared at the two of them arguing over her. She crouched down to the little boy's height and smiled at him.

"I'm sorry, but I can't marry you. I have already given my heart to Pocahontas." Y/n told the little boy. "But when your older I'm sure you will find someone to love." She continued, then kissed his cheek and stood up.

The boy giggled and nodded as he skipped away to play with the other children that had left them. Pocahontas looked at y/n, but only to find her looking at him with a smile on her face. He pulled her into a tight hug as he thinks how lucky he is.

The end.

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