Chapter 1

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"words" - speaking
'words' - thinking
*words* - sounds

3rd-person POV:
Y/n has finally caught up with the Bungo Stray Dogs Manga after months of putting it off. After finishing the last chapter, Y/n decides that it's the perfect time for a nap. Unaware of the future that awaits them, they fall asleep.


???: "Have you found her yet?"

?: "I'm looking. Just a little bit longer and you will get what you desire"

???: "Perfect"

~unknown location~

Y/n POV:
"Mmnghnhhgnhnhmhnh—" I grumble as I awaken from my nap only to realize I've been asleep for too long. 'Crap! It's already morning! I missed dinner! And we were having f/f too!!'

I quickly fling off the blanket and kick my feet to the side of the bed. But something's off. 'This isn't my room!!'

I take in my surroundings after fully waking up and realize that this room is most definitely not my room. This place is way too nice.

I look over to the nightstand by the side of the bed and notice a little note.

Hello dear L/n Y/n,
I hope your new room is comfortable enough for your liking. You may be wondering what's happening. All will be explained at a later time. For now, I have an array of outfits for you to choose from in the closet. Please change and ring the bell when you're done. Someone will come and escort you to me and I will explain the current situation as to why you are here.
See you soon,
Mori Ōgai

As I read the name of the man that left the letter, my whole body froze. I would've dropped the paper if I wasn't frozen from fear. 'There's no way! This can't be real! I don't believe it!'

But the more I try to convince myself I'm dreaming and it's not real, the more I realize how pointless it is. I decide to control my breathing and calm down as best as I can. 'Just breathe. Take a second to think of what's the best course of action.'

I came to the conclusion that I should go along with what he wants. That way I can guarantee my survival for the time being, knowing that he probably needs me to be alive otherwise I'd already be dead. So, like instructed, I changed into one of the outfits given to me and rang the bell. It didn't take long for me to hear footsteps, indicating that someone was coming. The door opens and I'm met with a man with red hair and blue eyes. 'CHUUYA?!' I scream in my head from both shock and excitement.

"Follow me," he said demandingly.

"yes, sir," I quietly replied.

We walked quietly to what I'm assuming is Mori's office. As we reach the door, Chuuya knocks on the door and says, "Boss, I'm coming in now."

The doors open to reveal the one and only, Mori Ōgai.

"Ah, welcome in dear. I've been waiting to finally meet you. Me and you have something very important to talk about," he says while sitting in his couch chair, resting his head on his left hand with his elbow on the arm rest.

"W-What is it that we need to talk about?" I shakily say, not wanting to say the wrong thing.

"First off, I need to explain why you're here. Come, have a seat," he says as he gestures to the seat in front of him.

I make my way over to the seat and ask, "So, why did you bring me here? What do you need me for?"

"To put it simply, I brought you here because I need your ability," he says in response to my questions.

'Ability? What is he talking about?'

"What do you mean? What 'ability' are you talking about?" I ask with genuine confusion.

"I guess you wouldn't know, would you? Very well then. In order to explain that, we need to take a dive into the past. Long ago, your parents were very strong ability users. I tried recruiting them to be in the Port Mafia but they countlessly refused. But, I wasn't the only one who was after their abilities. There were multiple groups after them and so they were forced into a corner. They knew they wouldn't be able to run forever so they decided to at least save you, even if it cost them their lives. They had somehow found a way to send you to an alternate universe, not before erasing every record of your existence. Well, almost every record. One of my informants found a document stating your existence, so I sent out some of my men to find you before anyone else got their hands on you," he explained to me.

"But... how did you find me? How do you know I'll even be of use to you?" I ask, trying to take in all of the information that was spoken to me.

"Finding you was no easy task. I had to figure out exactly how they sent you to that universe and use that same technique to find you. From there, my men looked through multiple documents to find your whereabouts and then transport you to this universe. And to answer your second question, I had someone confirm that you have an ability and what exactly that ability is. For you to be of use to me, you will undergo training under one of my executive members. The same person that escorted you here, Nakahara Chuuya," Mori states.

"WHAAATTTTTTT?!?!?!?!" Me and Chuuya shout in unison.

"You want me to be a babysitter for some kid?!" Chuuya shouts in irritation.

"Hey, who are you calling a kid?! I'll have you know that I'm legally an adult... and taller than you," I say in retort while mumbling the last part.

"What'd you just say to me?!" Chuuya shouts.

"That's enough, Chuuya. Remember, she is our guest and you will treat her as such," Mori says.

"Yes, boss," Chuuya says with a slight bow.

"Pfttt—" I immediately cover my mouth before my laugh can fully escape.

"Now then. Please escort miss Y/n to her chambers, Chuuya," Mori orders.

"Yes, boss," he responds then turns to me and says, "Follow me," with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

The walk back was the same as the previous walk but with a little more tension between us than before. As he opens my door, he explains to me that I have to wake up early for my training. 'Ugh, I have to do hard work.'

A/n: Keep in mind, this chapter occurs a few months before the start of the anime since Y/n will be undergoing months of training before it starts so they'll be able to assist in mafia stuff.

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