Chapter 17

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Y/n POV:
I wake up to the annoying ringing of my phone. 'Why do people keep calling me?'

Regardless, I picked up the phone.

Me: "Hello."

Poe: "Hello, Y/n. Have I woken you up?"

Me: "No, no. I was just... laying down so I'm a bit tired. And I had a bunch of stuff to deal with yesterday so there's that. Anyways, why the sudden call?"

Poe: "Well, I was wondering if you were free today to return my book to me, since I had forgotten to ask when you were free to return it."

'Oh, right. I completely forgot about that.'

Me: "Well, I am free today. Where and when did you want to meet up?"

Poe: "We will be meeting at (location) at (time). I will also text you the information just in case."

Me: "Ok, thank you. I will be there. Goodbye."

Poe: "Goodbye."

And with that, I hung up, going straight back to bed.


I decided to show up a bit early, knowing that he's probably not even at the place we agreed to. I chose to leave my mask and cloak at home, since I wasn't about to deal with all the stares I would inevitably receive. I entered through the front doors, my suspicion being proven when he's nowhere to be found. 'That must mean that he already went up to the upper level.'

I enter the elevator and click on the button for the floor I think he's on. Stepping out of the elevator, I turn my head from side to side, looking for him. I spot him to the right, right near the other elevator, where he should be. I noticed that he's on the phone, talking to Ranpo.

I walk up to him and say, "So much for our meeting spot. I even showed up early, too."

"Ahh, Y/n-chan! M-My apologies. I got dragged into something else and forgot to inform you of my change of plans," Poe said, jumping from my sudden appearance.

"It's fine. I figured you got distracted by something," I say before taking out his book. "Anyways, here's your book," I say, handing him the book.

"Oh, thank you. Again, I'm sorry for making you have to search for me," Poe apologizes, bowing his head towards me.

"It's no problem, really. It's not like you bailed on me, so it's fine," I say, trying to reassure him.

Poe continues with his conversation with Ranpo, only for Ranpo to appear from the elevator we're standing next to, giving Poe yet another spook.

"Can you guys stop sneaking up on me?" Poe says, shaken up from being scared twice.

"Oh, Y/n-kun. You're here. What are you doing here?" Ranpo asks me.

"Returning Poe's book," I state.

"I see. You can leave now, then," Ranpo says nonchalantly.

"Uh, okay. Fine" I say before entering the elevator, wondering why Ranpo just kicked me out.

'Wait a minute. Does he want me to...'

As soon as the elevator opens, I head straight for the exit, waiting by the area where the body Mushitaro pushes off the building should fall near. A few minutes pass by before the body falls to the ground, right on cue. 'I'm surprised it didn't land on anyone.' The surrounding people screamed in horror at the witness of a person falling to death. Looking up from the ground level, I was just barely able to see the man's face ripped off just after his body passed the window where Ranpo and Poe were standing near. After the mask was ripped off his face, his real face was revealed to be all messed up so I couldn't make out any of his facial features. In the midst of the chaos, there are people who are desperately trying to run away while others are trying to get closer to see what happened.

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