Chapter 19

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Y/n POV:
"Did you have fun on your little date?" I hear someone say to me in a rather irritated voice as soon as I arrive at my pickup location, the voice being recognized as Chuuya.

"Chuuya? What are you doing here? And what 'date' are you talking about?" I asked him, confused about several things: how he knew where I was, why he was here, why he sounded so angry, etc.

"I was ordered to discuss an essential matter with you so I texted you to meet me at my office but you didn't respond. I later went to your room but your bodyguard told me you were out. I asked him where you went and came to this location so I wouldn't have to wait until later when you got back. When I got here, I saw you hanging out with that detective from the Agency, acting all friendly with him," Chuuya explains.

"Well, I understand you wanting to meet me here instead of waiting for me to return but I don't understand why you're so upset about me and Ranpo. All I was doing was accompanying him in a case he was solving. That's it," I explained.

"Your bodyguard told me that you were meant to just drop off something, meaning you didn't have to stay but you chose to stay with him," Chuuya says.

"That's because... I..." I tried to answer him but I couldn't think of anything to say.

'Why did I stay? Or more like, what was the reason for my decision to stay with Ranpo? I don't know...'

"Tch, you can't even think of an answer? " Chuuya says, irritated by my lack of a response.

"That's not it. I just... don't know how to answer..." I say truthfully.

"You don't know? That's a pretty pathetic excuse... You know what? I'm out of here," Chuuya says while turning around, making my chest tighten up from distress.

"No! Wait! Chuuya! Don't go! Please let me explain!" I shout out to him but he doesn't even spare me a glance as he takes off on his motorcycle.

'He's gone. He left me. I'm all alone.'


My knees go out, dropping to the floor. My butt lands on the heels of my feet, my head falling down, looking at my hands that were placed on my lap. My vision begins to blur as tears start to form in the corners of my eyes, streaming down my cheeks. The tears just kept flowing out, small crying noises escaping my mouth so as to not disturb anyone near me. I had no strength left in me to get up, while also preventing my body from falling any further towards the ground.

A few moments later, I hear a car pull up, the driver rushing out of the car and kneeling to my level, asking me what happened and what was wrong. I recognized the man's voice to be Eiji's. I found the strength to lift up my head to him, my red, teary eyes now being visible to him. Without another word, he went to the car and opened the passenger door, coming back to pick me up so he could place me into the car.

After a while of driving, I noticed that we weren't headed for the Port Mafia main building.

"Eiji, where are we going?" I asked, curious as to where he was taking me.

"The movies. You said you wanted to watch (insert movie), right?" He asks, waiting for my confirmation.

"Oh, yeah. I'm surprised you remembered," I say, receiving a nod in response.

When we arrive at the movie theater, he pays for both of our tickets and then we get in line to get snacks.

"What would you like?" he asked me.

I ponder his question before answering, "I'm fine with just popcorn and a drink."

"Got it," he said.

Wilted Flower ~ Chuuya x Non-Binary ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now