Chapter 12

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Y/n POV:

*knock, knock, knock*

"Come in" I say, giving the person at my door permission to enter my room.

The door opens to reveal Eiji, with his same unreadable face expression.

"You are being called for a meeting along with two other executives, Kouyou-san and Nakahara-san. It's urgent" He explains.

"Okay, I'll head there right now" I tell him.

"I will be escorting you to the meeting room. Follow me, please" He says.

"Oh, okay" I say to him, confused as to why he needs to escort me, since he hasn't done that in a while.

We walk down the halls in a comfortable silence. I do occasionally catch him glancing at me, but I just brush it off.

Soon, we arrive at the meeting room, knocking on the door to let them know that I have arrived. I hear a familiar voice allowing me to enter the room, the voice belonging to Kouyou. I open the door and am met by the sight of Kouyou along with Chuuya.

"Y/n, you have arrived. We can officially start the meeting now" Kouyou says.

I walk inside to stand to the right of Chuuya, with Kouyou to his left while he's sitting in one of the chairs at the stupidly long table in front of us. What I didn't notice was that Eiji had followed me inside and stood behind me, a good distance away.

"Is your bodyguard going to stay here?" Chuuya asks me, a hint of annoyance present in his tone of voice.

Confused as to why he asked me that, I turned around to notice that Eiji had followed me inside.

"Oh. Well, I don't think he'll be a disturbance to us so it should be fine if he stays. Right, Kouyou?" I say, asking Kouyou if that was alright.

"It's fine. He's not likely to tell anybody about what we're going to be discussing" Kouyou says, causing Chuuya to look even more irritated.

"Cool. We can get started with our meeting now" I say, leaning my elbows on the back of Chuuya's chair. I then ask, "What exactly are we discussing?"

"Well, we received a report regarding the boss. The details are written on the documents in front of us" Kouyou explains.

The three of us read the documents in silence. After we were done, Chuuya shouted out, "Son of a bitch! Two days?!" while squeezing the papers in frustration.

'I guess that means it's time for the cannibalism arc. My sense of time is messed up because time is never explicitly stated in the show. Not exactly, anyways.'

"So it's a scheme to make the Armed Detective Agency and the Port Mafia crush each other" Kouyou states.

"Big sis..." Chuuya says in a soft tone.

"Do you plan to fight the Detective Agency? You'll be playing right into the mastermind's hands" Kouyou explains.

"I'll beat the shit out of the mastermind. Still... Two days isn't enough time" Chuuya says before turning his head to me and saying, "Y/n. What should we do?!"

"I—" I start but no other words leave my mouth because I don't know what to say.

'What should we do? Continue with the course of the story? Steer off onto a different path? But would that work? Would it just make things worse? I don't know... I don't know. I don't know! I don't know!! I DON'T KNOW!! I DON'T—'

My thoughts are interrupted by Chuuya's soft grip on my arms, his blue eyes staring into mine with visible concern. I hadn't noticed that I was in the middle of a panic attack. My breathing had been staggering, my eyes were watering, my whole body was trembling. I continued to look into Chuuya's eyes as I tried to slow down my breathing, Chuuya not once breaking eye contact with me until my shaking had stopped and my breathing had steadied.

"Y/n! Y/n, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you that. I shouldn't have put so much pressure on you. I-I'm sorry. Truly sorry" Chuuya tells me.

"It's fine, Chuuya. I'll be okay. I don't want to worry you two anymore so we should continue with discussing what course of action we should take" I say.

"Are you sure you're alright, Y/n dear? I don't want to expose you to something that could upset you to this degree" Kouyou says while placing her hand on my shoulder, a look of worry on her face.

"Yes, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me" I say, giving her a small smile to try to reassure her. And myself.

"If you insist. Let us continue" Kouyou says.

Kouyou POV:
'What could've possibly triggered them to react that way to Chuuya's question? There has to be something those two aren't telling me. It's not really my place to question them but if it becomes an issue later on, I'll have to figure out what it is.'

Y/n POV:
After the meeting concluded, with me just suggesting the original plan, not wanting to risk drastically altering the future, Eiji walked me back to my room along with Chuuya. He was very insistent that he walk me to my room to make sure I didn't have another panic attack. It was nice having him by my side; it made me feel safe and protected.

When we got to my door, he told me to call him if I ever started having a panic attack again. I reassured him that it wouldn't happen again but I agreed nonetheless. For the rest of the time before I'm called out to action, I just rested in my room, reading one of the books that I took from the bookshelf.

~slight timeskip~

The time had finally arrived for us to make our move on the Detective Agency. Chuuya and I landed on the roof of the hospital (more specifically, the helicopter pad) where their president was being held. Keyword: was. The rest of the Port Mafia are surrounding the hospital from every side.

Chuuya POV:
Intercom Person: "Ability user guards spotted in front of the Detective Agency's hospital room. A blonde child."

'Tsk, it's that brat again. Physical attacks do almost nothing to him. They're playing their trump card right off the bat. Of course, they're probably trying to buy time to get the boss out.'

I begin to walk over to the hospital room while my ability is activated, leaving dents in the ground as I walk.

Intercom Person: "Report. It's not just the child. Kunikida, the weretiger... Almost the entirety of the Detective Agency's main force is defending the hospital room."

"What? They're going all out already?" I question, shocked by their plan to go full-on from the start. "We'll respond with our top men. Send Akutagawa and the Black Lizard over from the perimeter team" I say into my earpiece. "Let's go, Y/n" I say to them.

"Got it" Y/n responds.

Me, Y/n, Tachihara, Gin, Hirotsu, Kajii, Akutagawa, and Higuchi, are now face to face with the Armed Detective Agency's main force.

"Want to do this one by one? Or should we all go at it at once? Well? I don't mind either way" I ask.


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