Chapter 16

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Y/n POV:
"...Chuuya?" I say in a low whisper, my voice not being able to project any louder from the freezing temperature.

He doesn't respond. He only walks up to the side of the cage, ripping it off. His eyes are covered by his bangs, a shadow falling over them. He proceeds to tear off the chains on my ankles and wrists, allowing my arms and legs to stretch freely. Aware of my obvious shivering, Chuuya removes his coat and wraps it around me, continuing to not say a word as he lifts me up into his arms and heads out of the aircraft to the helicopter he came here in. He places me down as he gestures for me to take a seat, immediately sitting beside me right after.

"Did he touch you?" Chuuya suddenly asks, breaking the silence.

"Huh?" I ask, not fully processing his question.

"Did he touch you?" He repeats, the anger in his voice rising.

"Oh. No, he didn't hurt me," I responded.

"That's not what I asked," he darkly said.

"Pardon?" I ask in confusion.

"I asked if he touched you, not if he hurt you. So answer the question I asked you," he demands, his patience clearly running out.

"Um... Well... That's..." I stumble to say, nervousness making its way to my brain.

My hands begin to shake, one of them unconsciously making its way to the side of my face that Fyodor was close to touching, the rest of my body shaking as well. 'Why am I so nervous? Nothing that bad happened. Sure, I felt uncomfortable having his hand on my face but it's not like he did anything else. Why am I scared to give Chuuya an answer? Why can't I tell him what happened? Why—'

Chuuya's hand on mine brings me out of my thoughts, the warmth of his hand almost burning my freezing cold hand. I turn my head to face him, his eyes already locked on mine. His gaze was soft. Comforting. It felt like time had stopped, like nothing else in the world mattered but us. My body naturally leaned closer to his slowly, his body doing the same. His eyes dropped down to my lips for a quick moment before returning to my eyes. My face began to heat up at the realization of how close we got, our noses mere centimeters away from touching. I tilted my head to the right, bringing our lips closer as my eyes started to shut, preparing for what's to happen next.

But that moment never came.

"Mr. Nakahara, we will be approaching the main building momentarily," the pilot said, interrupting our moment.

We both jumped from the suddenness of the pilot deciding that now was a good time to speak up.

"R-Right. Thank you," Chuuya responds, turning away from me and returning to his regular seated position.

'God dammit, stupid no-name!'

I face the opposite direction of Chuuya, my face turning a darker shade of red than it was before. 'I just wanna crawl up in a hole and die of embarrassment!'

As soon as we arrived at the helicopter pad, I sped off to my room to avoid any extra awkwardness that could occur between the two of us. I opened my door, giving a brief 'hello' to Eiji before racing to my room and plopping onto my bed. 'UGHGJHGFKGHCJ!!'

"Stupid, stupid, stupid! You just HAD to fucking say something! We almost fucking KISSED! And you fucking RUINED IT!! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!! UGHH!!" I screamed into my pillow while kicking my feet against the bed and rolling around.

"How am I supposed to face him again after THAT?! It's gonna be SO awkward!" I say to myself as I lay on my back, wrapping my arms around the pillow and leaving space for me to see as I stare at the ceiling.

Wilted Flower ~ Chuuya x Non-Binary ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now