PART 2 : escape

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He pointed at the window and told me to go through, I opened it and went through it I hit my head while climbing out " HAH HOW'D U DO THAT " I hit on the arm to be quiet. He took me by the hand and dragged out through the school gate to the road " wait what about our stuff "I asked him " don't worry we will be back before lunch then when it is we will get our stuff " he said
We kept walking it was very the whole way there no one talking but I saw tom looking at me and smiling. He stared at me again " have you got staring problem or some shit ? " I said jokily " I guess I can't keep my eyes off you ... Your so pretty he said I blushed (this is so cringe 😭) . I can't tell if he was joking or not so I asked " can I ask you something? " I asked " yea , what is it ? " He answered " were you joking about me being pretty thing ? " " No " " okay thanks" " no problem " he said .
We got to his house he put in his password to unlock the gate " HOLY SHIT YOUR HOUSE IS SO BIG " " thanks " . We went to the door and he unlocked it with keys in his pocket , " welcome to mi casa" he said I giggled a bit . We went to his kitchen I sat down " want a snack ? " He asked me " sure " " do u like these " he said referring to chocolate chip cookies " yes of course I do I mean who doesn't " I said with a sassy tone " here then " he laughed. " Youre very beautiful " he said kissing my check after he said making me choke on my cookie out of shock " you alright there ? " He asked " yea just suprised" I said back . " we really should be getting back " i said
" Yea " he said back .

We got back and through the office side of the school not even thinking about it. We got in we were a bit it's was about 6 mins till lunch . We walking a bit till the man walked out of his office he was really close to me the second the saw him I was dragged in the uni- sex toilets , I had almost screamed out shock and fright but someone put their hand around my mouth I turned around to see who it was , turns out it's tom . He put his finger to his mouth to tell me to be quiet. We waited and talked quietly we were waiting for the lunch bell to ring , one minute after it rang but we waited one min extra for the teacher to go to the teacher launch . We finally got out and went in the lunch hall " want to beside me ? " Tom asked " sure " we walked and sat down on the same table as Georg , bill and Gustav
I was so excited to meet bill and Gustav<3 . " Omgg heyy , what's your name " bill asked " Evie " I said with a smile " well I'm bill that's Gustav and that's Georg " " I know I'm a fan of tokio hotel " " okayyy " bill said " soo Tom How'd u meet her" he said with smile on his face " well long story short she called a teacher a bitch and then I asked to come to our house then we went back here " " oooo did you two do anything at the house " " noo " I responded " okay okay do you want to come over again we might do a pool party only 5 of us including you u in ? " Bill asked " suree , what time cuz I need to my swimingsuit " " after school tom can drive to your house " " okay "

" get in " tom said " okay " i said back , i sat in the front seat . It was really silent intil my favourite sone came on . i was basically singing very loudly it looked like i was screaming

take a look at my girlfriend
shes the only one i got
not much of a girlfriend
i never seem to get a lot

i turn to look at tom to see him singing with me i couldnt get my eyes of him hes so handsome i like him for sure

We even got a secret handshake
And she loves the music that my band makes
I know I'm young but if I had to choose her or the sun
I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun

We kept singing different songs together it was probably the most fun time I've had here since I got here . We finally got to my house after many wrong directions. I got out of the car and unlocked the door to my house and closed it behind and went upstairs to my room and grabbed my swimsuit , pjs , makeup, hair stuff , some clothes for tomorrow and skincare I put it in a bag and went downstairs and went back in the car my school bag was already in the car from when we sneaked in the office , " woah there's a lot of stuff you sleeping over? " " Yeah " " where are you sleeping " " I don't maybe with you " I said as joke " okay I don't mind " tom said with a smirk on his face . I was going to say it was a joke but I didn't for some reason.

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