PART 10 : my world

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The cold breeze hit my face as I stared at tom with tears in my eyes " please Evie believe, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you , I love you so much " he said tearing up , he stared at me with panic in eyes I have never seen him cry before " please Evie I'll do anything for you to believe me " he said walking over and kneeing down in front off me . I put out my hand wanting to hold his hand , " sorry , I overreacted ." I said going in to hug him as I sobbed in his comforting hug " I'm so sorry " I sobbed even harder " it's okay , stop crying" he said caressing my hand . " I don't deserve you " I sobbed as tears rapidly fell down my cheek " Please don't say that, Evie. You mean the world to me." He whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. He continued to comfort me , wiping away my tears gently. "I promise to always be there for you, to support you through your ups and downs and to love you unconditionally." He reassured me not letting me go . " we should get inside bill is probably waiting" tom said kissing my cheek . As we both headed inside, the weight of his promise brought a sense of comfort to my heart. I smiled at Tom's thoughtfulness, feeling grateful for his presence. The sight Bill added a touch of more comfort , It was reassuring to be surrounded by the support of both Tom and Bill. I couldn't help but feel grateful for their presence in my life and gustavs and Georgs too . " Where's Julie " I asked as I still cared for her even tho she hurt me " in there " bill said pointing to my hospital room . I walked over to the door and knocked " what " I heard Julie say " it's me Evie can we talk please " I begged " fine " she said . I opened the door to see her sitting on the bed facing the door " what " she said " first drop that attitude , then I'll talk to you " I said glaring at her " okay talk to me then" she said smiling sarcastically " I don't know why you said those things, hit me and kissed tom as you clearly know me and him are together , so why ? " I said , she said something under her breath but I didn't hear " I didn't hear you " I said " I'm jealous of you ! Okay ?! " she shouted, I was Caught off guard by Julie's confession, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Part of me wanted to be angry, but another part understood . I took a deep breath and I looked into Julie's eyes "Look, I understand that you're feeling jealous, but hurting others won't solve anything. If you genuinely apologize to me and Tom, and work on building trust, there's a chance for us to be friends, or even best friends. We're all here for you." I calmly said . I took a deep breath and mustered the courage to speak from my heart. "Julie, I know things have been tough between us, but I want us to find a way to move forward. I'm sorry if I've ever made you feel excluded or hurt. You mean a lot to me, and I truly value our friendship."
Julie looked at me, surprised by my sincerity. "Evie, I've been so caught up in my own insecurities that I didn't realize how much I was hurting you. I'm sorry too. You're an amazing friend, and I don't want to lose that."
Tears welled up in my eyes as i reached out to hold Julie's hand. "Let's promise to be there for each other, through the ups and downs. To communicate openly and honestly, and to support each other's dreams. We can rebuild our friendship and make it even stronger."
Julie nodded, a small smile forming on her face. "I promise, Evie. From now on, I'll be the friend you deserve. We'll create new memories and cherish the bond we have." . I brought her in a comforting hug as I cried a bit in her touch . " soo have you and tom ykk " Julie teased me " have what ? " I asked confused " sex obviously " she said rolling her eyes jokily " yea " I whispered " sooo how was ittt " she said breaking the hug to look at me " great.. yk what fuck that it was amazing" I said blushing a bit . We talked a bit more then went out to get food .

11:45 PM
We all walked in helping Julie with her stuff " hii Evie how are you feeling" gustav asked going in to hug me " I'm good " I said hugging him smiling. Me and Julie went upstairs to her room and I helped her set up her room " wanna get drunk ?" She said holding vodka raising her eyebrows up and down " uh yess , I've missed getting drunk with you " I said grabbing the bottle out of her hand " wanna get bill to join ???" She said smirking " let's goo " I said opening the door and walking towards bills room and banging on his door " WHAT " I heard him shout , I opened the door snd walked towards him with the bottle behind my back " wanna get drunk with me and Julie??" I said holding the bottle up in the air " fuck yes" he said with a grin .

We went in Julies room and started opening the bottle we passed the bottle around sometimes and dance to music . I took the bottle out of Julie's hands and chugged the last drops . " ooo " I shock " let's dance " Julie said barely balancing grabbing my hands holding them as we danced " comeon bill don't be lame " I said waving him over , he came over dancing joining us .

We danced for like 25 minutes and went out ways , I went into Tom's room to see tom sleeping there peacefully, I tried to be as quiet and quick as I can , I started to take my jeans off , I could barely stand straight and Balance. While I was taking off my clothes I fell down on the ground" shit " I whispered trying to not wake up tom . " Evie is that you ?" Tom said with a really raspy and sleepy voice " yep sorry I woke you up " I said walking over to the bed " it's fine " he said patting the spot beside him . I sat down beside him , he started to sit up a bit to look at me " have you been drinking?" He asked " yeah " I said under my breath. " Are you mad ?" I asked a bit worried " no " he said . I tried falling asleep but I just couldn't " I'm so bored " I said looking at tom " oh right?" He said with a smirk on his face bitting his lip in a sexy way . I looked at him with smirk and got close to him and got up a bit to sit on his lap so that I was facing him . I started to make out with him going down to his neck sucking on it and kissing it " Evie " he moaned. I started grinding against his dick , he put his hands on my hips moving them so it felt better . I started going up again to his lips and made out with him while still grinding against him . He started to take off my bra and broke the kiss to suck on my nipple " you're so good " I moaned throwing my head back with my eyes closed of the pleasure, he started to take off my thong and I took off his boxer , I put it in me with no protection " you sure " he groaned " yeah " I moaned going back and forth. He flipped us over so I was bend over , he put his hands on my hips as he pounded against my pussy " tomm " I moaned out loud " harder " I stuttered out , he went faster and harder . I was an moaning mess and he was too , he grabbed my stomach bringing me close to him so my back was against his chest , he thrust deeper in me and faster as he held my boobs holding me stable.

We did about 3 more different positions and it was the best sex of my life . " I'm going to take a shower you coming" tom said getting up still naked " yes , can u carry me I cant feel my legs ?" I asked a bit embarrassed " yeah ofc my love " he said walking over to my side . Him picked me up like I was a feather, he carried me like a bride as I wrapped my arms around his neck .

Sorry that this is all over the place 😭
Can someone give me ideas for my next chapter it's going to be Evie's birthday and tokio hotel tour or something. 🫶🏻
Anyone wanna be moots ??
1478 words ❤️
-kamile 🤍

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