PART 12 : tour

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I woke up with tom beside me cuddled up with me , I got out of the cuddle quietly trying to not wake up tom . I opened I door slowly so it doesn't make a sound and went to the bathroom , I took my clothes off and turned the shower on waiting for it to get warm . I got in and started to clean myself and wash my hair so I look good today . I got out and dried myself wrapping my towel around me , I got out very quietly and closed the door behind me . Tom was still sleeping so I woke him up cuz we had to get ready and pack our things. " tom wake up " I said gently shaking his shoulders " no bill fuck off " he mumbled waving his hand in the air trying to hit me with his eyes still closed " it's not bill , it's Evie " I said still shaking him but more violently " fuck off let me sleep" he said turning his head from me " okay then " I said getting my hands off him and walking away to pack my stuff . I took my suitcase and opened it putting in all the stuff I needed , I put in hair stuff , my teeth stuff , clothes, accessories, bags and shoes . I don't know how I fitted all that but I did . I went downstairs with my stuff and placed them down beside the stairs and went in the kitchen to see Julie there " morning beautiful" she said smiling " heyyy " I said kinda low " what's wrong you seem miserable" she said walking over to me to hug me " it's tom he told me to fuck off for no absolute reason." I said still hugging her

I was woken up by my shoulders being shaked it's seemed like bill but it took me one minute after I told them to fuck off it's was not bill . " fuck " I mumbled getting out of bed to see Evie gone . Ive really messed up .

I went downstairs to apologize to Evie , I went down the stairs I saw Julie hugging Evie right in the doorway I stopped halfway cuz Julie saw me " hey Evie can I talk to you ? " I asked as nicely as I could " she doesn't want to talk right " Julie said , I've always hated Julie but I treated her like friend for Evie .

I scoffed at Julie response " I wasn't asking you " I said going down the stairs fully " evie ? " I said taking her hand and caressing it " leave her alone you can clearly see she is not okay " Julie demanded " fuck off she's not your girlfriend " I said glaring at her " what's girlfriends meant to do with this ?" She laughed. Evie didn't make a sound nor did she move .

She finally got out and completely ignored me like I wasn't there and walked past to the kitchen " Evie ?" I said following her , she opened the fridge taking out food and putting it in the microwave " Evie I'm sorry I told you to fuck off I thought you were bill , I just don't like getting woken up in the mornings by being shook" I said going over to her so I was towering over her " okay " she said emotionless " are we good then ? " I asked a bit worried she was going to say no " okay " she said smiling a bit , I kissed her roughly but Passionately. I've missed kissing her like this I loved it . I moved down to her neck and started to kiss it and suck on it leaving hickeys. Some moans left her mouth , I loved hearing her moan for me . " ew get a room " I heard Georg say walking in " okay we will get a room " I say smirking and looking back at her , I can see her smirking but she covered it by looking the other side. I picked Evie up by her thighs and wrapped them around my waist as I held her ass squeezing it a bit , she let a wee scream of how fast I picked her up and wrapped her arms around my neck " don't be to loud and use protection " Georg yelled as we walked off well I walked off with her in my arms .

We both got in my room making out aggressively, I walked over to my bed still making out with her I dropped her on the bed so she was still , I try to kneel down to her level but she stopped me and stood me up . She started to unbuckled my belt and take it off and did the zipper of my pants taking them off too . She started to play with the waistband of my boxers teasing me " Evie don't do this to me " I said playing with my lip piercing " don't do what " she said smirking " this , tease me " I said smirking stroking her cheek. After I said that she pulled down my boxers and my dick fell out . She started to give me a handy , smiling at the pleasure she was causing me . She started to lick my tip and kiss teasing me " eviee " I moaned throwing my head back off the pleasure she was causing.

She started to give me head going very fast . I was throwing my head back closing my eyes . I was whimpering uncontrollably and moaning . A girl has never caused me this much pleasure that Evie has . She continued then bill walked in " comeon to- JESUS CHRIST LOCK YOUR DOOR " bill yelled closing the door or should I say slammed. " I'll be right back " I say putting on my boxer and running out the door " bill what did you want ?" I yelled coming down the stairs " we have to get ready were leaving in 40 mins " he said tapping his watch " leaving for what ? " I asked confused not knowing a single thing he just said " OUR TOUR YOU IDIOT" he yelled " SHITTT " I yelled running back up the stairs to pack my stuff .

I ran to my bathroom Evie still sitting on my bed " I'm so sorry Evie but we are going to have to finish another day I have to pack " I said going over to her and making out with her " okay " she smilied

I melted at the sight of her smiling, there was so many things I could say about her but it would take hours since there's alot . I am honestly very happy shes mine .


I went on to the tour bus being the last person since my suitcase was the biggest out of them all . I saw tom looking at the door I think waiting for me , the second he saw me he smilied . I saw him Patting the seat beside him , i obviously went over and sat beside him in the very comfy seats . " wanna share a hotel room ?" Tom whispered to me close to my neck sending shivers down my spine " uh yes " I said smiling at him . " I can't wait to finish what we didn't finish this morning" he said smirking

of course you can't wait " I giggled" What's that supposed to mean " he laughed . We were laughing our heads off for no absolute reason and everyone was looking at us like we are insane .

We all fell asleep eventually, I was sleeping on tom as bill and Gustav just slept normally then Julie and Georg I sense some type of tension, they would be a good couple.

We got of when we got there and took our suitcases and ther were fans for them already there some girls screamed Tom's name some held up a poster and stuff . " Tom's is that your new girlfriend?" A lady asked as she saw that we were holding hands . Tom stops for a bit and walks up to her dragging me along " yes she is my girlfriend and she is amazing" tom said into the mic smirking , the lady turned to me looked me up and down then turned back to tom " Why'd you choose her ?" The lady asked glancing at me " there's a lot of things " he said walking off , I looked back to see her just standing there , I waved at her a goodbye and continued to walk with tom .

We all got into our rooms bill and tom in a room but he'll be coming over to my room 😉 then Gustav and Georg in a room then me and Julie .

" soo Julie can I ask you something?" I asked not looking at her as I was getting my stuff out of the suitcase

" yeah? "

" do you like Georg ?? "


- kamile xoxo
- 1462 🫶🏻

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