PART 14 : past

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" you never told me about your past " I say while Evie was laying on me and I was stroking her hand " I rather not talk about it " she says getting up a bit " pleasee " I begged " fine " she says " at the age of 11 me , my mum and dad lived together , my dad was nice but the day I turned 13 he cracked. " she says . Then she continues telling me everything


" EVIE WAKE UP THE HELL NOW " my mum screams at me " whats happening " I say getting up . My vision was blurry , my head was spinning " it doesn't matter you need to get out of here " she said a bit more calmly but her voice was still raised. My vision was now better I saw my mum packing my suitcase putting my clothes in it " your going to your grandparents, it's for the best trust me " she says walking over to me to hug me shaking. I heard the front door open and slammed shut " SHITTT " my mum says " HURRY UP" she says . I get out of my bed and grab the suitcase. We both go down the stairs my mum in front. " Ohh Katherine where are you " my dad says , it sounded like he was in the kitchen " Evie go " she whispered to me pointing to the door " I'm not that dumb you know that right " my dad says coming into the hallway that we were in . " leave her out of this " my mum says her voice trembling " or what ? " he threatens. He starts walking towards us as I try to open the door but it was locked . He laughed at my actions , He walked towards my mum and grabbed her by her hair " mum !! " I yelled trying to help her , that's when I felt a hard Sting in my cheek and a loud sound echoing through the room . " You fucker ! " my mum says kicking him . I had fell down on the floor bringing down some selfs with me , my hand was bleeding and hurting badly. I looked at it to see a big cut across my forearm . I felt my hair getting grabbed " now I'm going to deal with you " he says his face close to mine . My mum was on the floor crying with a cut in her stomach " MUM ! " I sobbed .

" I rather not go on as it gets worse " I say after telling him all that " I'm so sorry you had to go through that " tom says bringing me into a hug . I accepted the hug , he was squeezing me like it was the last hug .

We were laying down and cuddling for about 6 minutes admiring eachother. Then tom got a call " one minute it's bill " he says .


I answered the call " tom you need to get home now trust me . " I heard as soon as I answered " why What's happening? " I say as I looked at Evie smiling. " I'll explain everything when you get here " he says . I didn't have time to respond and he hang up .

I started to walk towards Evie , looking into her beautiful blue eyes " we have to go Evie I'm sorry" I say kneeing down a bit so I can be at her level

" why ? " she asks a bit confused " bill demanded us to " I laughed a bit " oh ok " she says holding up her hand for me to help her up .

I glanced a bit at her forearm to see her scars healing which was good but sad thinking about it .

She took away her arm as soon as she saw me looking. I didn't say anything as I didn't want her to get sad or angry.


I held Evie's hand as we walked. Thinking of what could of happened .

We got to bills room and knocked " come in" we heard . I opened the door and walked in " so ? "


" we have a interview!! Did you forget?" Bill yelled at tom " OH SHIT I FORGOT HOW LONG TILL IT STARTS ? " tom yelled running around the room getting changed

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