PART 3 : fight

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i woke up today without a fright luckily but shock since tom was all cuddled up with me he had his arm around my waist and the other one was behind my head like a pillow . he looks so cute when he sleeps i couldnt keep my eyes off him " good morning " tom said with a very sleepy voice " goodmoring we have school today " " can we skip ?" tom asked " you can but im not I've no already given bad impressions " " fine ill go " . i still couldn't stop thinking about the kiss i would honestly love to do it again . i had gone out of the cuddle sadly but i had to my hair, skincare , make up and put my clothes on . i decided to one french braid

then i did my skin care and makeup

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then i did my skin care and makeup

i put my clothes on it was a kinda basic But I liked it I went out of the bathroom with my bag of skincare and stuff and closed the door behind me " damn u really do look good in anything" tom said " says you " I said back

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i put my clothes on it was a kinda basic But I liked it I went out of the bathroom with my bag of skincare and stuff and closed the door behind me " damn u really do look good in anything" tom said " says you " I said back . " Thanks I guess " he said " no problem handsome" I said " come on we have to go it's 8:09 " " okay go to the car " I nodded .
We both went in the car and he drove off

" OMG I LOVE THIS SONG " i said while turning the volume up . Tom laughed " COME SING WITH ME TOMM " " OKAY ANYTHING FOR YOU "
hey hey hey lover
You don't have to be a star
Hey , hey ,hey lover
I love you just the way you are

For love is just the same
Without fortune and fame
Just give me true and understanding

Hey hey hey lover
You don't have to be king
Hey hey hey lover
You don't have to have a thing

For I'll be satisfied
Long as you are my guy
Just give me true love and understanding
True love and understanding
For the rest of my days

" YOUR SO MUCH FUN TO BE HONEST" tom said over the music . I started turning down the music when it was the end of the song " thanks handsome " I said he smiled
" you know i like you right ?" tom asked " wait you do " " yea your pretty , funny , nice , hot and fun to be around " " yea sure " i said sarcastically " no im serious , if every human being knew how amazing you are theyll love you theyll go out with you especially me " he said smiling at me . he made me feel special . " wow you're really not what i thought you'll be like " " what mean , selfish , self - centered and only caring for my fame ? " he asked . i didnt respond didnt know how " you okay you went real silent ?" " yea just didnt know to respond " i said he nodded " sorry ive made this really awkward " i said " no you didnt its fine " he said putting his hand on my thigh and rubbing it .

My Lover || Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now