Chapter 2

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"You wanna come and join us... Uh.." Newt started but couldn't finish the sentence. Oh right, Thomas thought I haven't told them my name.
"Thomas. My name's Thomas" Thomas cringed at how out of place it sounded. "well then Tommy, wanna come join us?" Newt said, letting his British accent show. Thomas grinned at the new nickname that Newt had given him.

Thomas smiled and nodded as the four of them made their way to the basketball court – making small talk as they did. Minho grabbed the ball that was in the hands of Newt and started dribbling it. Sweat dripped from his forehead like water and made Thomas's heart accelerate. He didn't even know why but it just did – his heart seemed to have a mind of its own.

Minho then passed the ball to me. "come on shuck-face, we've got a game to win." Shuck? Thomas confusedly thought must be the weird language in the town. Thomas started dribbling it as well but unlike Minho, he shot it into the hoop. It bounced around the ring a few times before finally dropping into it. "nice shot Tommy!" Newt called out from behind him. He smiled as he place his hand on Thomas's shoulder.

As his hand hit his shoulder his heart started racing once again, this time however it became faster. It seemed that it would break out of his ribcage at any second now. Thomas places his hand on his heart wishing it would slow down. "T-thanks.." he managed to say.

The game continued for a couple of hours – everyone making at least one hoop in the entire game. By the end of it, the boys had been drenched in sweat – the wet liquid making sure not a single spot is left uncovered. They made their way to a fairly large tree and took shade underneath the colossal plant.

Both Minho and Newt were heaving for oxygen as sweat trickled down from their head, matting down their somehow perfect hair. Seeing them like that,  made Thomas's heart race for the millionth time that day. What is wrong with me today? Thomas pondered as he swiftly looked away from the two drenched boys.


"we're home! " Teresa announced as she opened the door for Thomas. Thomas didn't say anything. For the first time in his life, he remained silent while greeting his mother. Ever since the divorce between his parents, his mom went through a lot. So, Thomas would make a conscious effort to talk to her often so, she'd forget about her problems.

But today, today was different. He went straight to his room – not even a wave hello. Nothing. As he went up the stairs, he could hear his mom talking to Teresa. "what's wrong with Tom?" he could hear his mom say. Teresa just gave her a "Don't know" and a "he was like this since we left the park."

As he entered his room, he immediately collapsed onto the bed. He wanted to be left alone with his feelings and thoughts.

After his pleasant meet-up with the two new boys, he's been feeling... Weird. As if the light in his life was snatched away from him. All he felt was a deepening hole in his chest – a hole that was once filled with joy. He had never felt like this – not once in his pitiful life.

He buried his face in his pillow – trying to get away from all those depressing thoughts. Why did he feel like this?

A knock on the door snapped him out of his deep pool of thoughts. "Hey, Tom... Is everything okay? You didn't even say hi" It was his mom. Of course, he thought. Thomas didn't move from his spot on the bed – ignoring his mom.

The creaking of the door announced that his mom had entered the room. The steps confirmed his suspicion. He could feel that she was now sitting right next to where he was laying. "Thomas I know you're awake," she said while playing with his hair. "yeah I am," he responded,  talking into the pillow he rested on.

"what's wrong? You've never acted like this before... It's worrying me," his mom said in a soft tone. Thomas's mother always talked in a low and hushed tone – people often don't hear her. But not Thomas. Thomas always heard her. Always. No wonder why his mom was worried about him – Thomas ignoring his mother was something that never happened before.

"I'm okay... Really I am. I'm just tired from the game that's all" he spoke into the pillow – not sure if she could hear him.  His mom gave a satisfied hum and left the room – making sure to close it before leaving.

Thomas sighed into his pillow once more, unsure of what to do. Finally,  the drug of sleep kicked in and soon Thomas drifted off to deep and peaceful slumber.


Thomas was woken up from his nap by Teresa, shaking him awake.

"wake up you dumb shuck!" Thomas groaned from the cringe that she was using the two boys' weird slang.

"wake up! Minho and Newt are here!" this piqued Thomas's interest. For the couple hours Thomas left the two boys, the only thing that bounced into Thomas's head were thoughts about them. It was kinda pathetic how quickly he rushed to get ready for them. It was like he never had a friend. Which was weird because he had plenty of friends (that he had to leave due to the move) back home.

As he rushed downstairs, his gaze met with the two boys he met earlier this morning – the two boys he'd been thinking of, for what seemed like forever. Time seemed to have slowed down as he stared at the two boys. Newt's chocolate-brown eyes looked like they can drown you with just one glance.

And Thomas was drowning. Thomas's breath got clogged the second he met their eyes. It was like he was being choked by some invisible hand.

And gazing into Minho's eyes made him forget everything. He couldn't even remember his name in that instant. It felt like someone had placed a curse on his beautiful hazel eyes – anyone who'll gape into Minho's eyes won't remember anything in that instant.

Thomas's heartbeat started speeding once again at the sight of the boys. Until Teresa ruined it.

She came running down the stairs, almost knocking him over. "sorry 'bout the wait! Just had to wake this idiot up!" she announced,  jabbing a thumb over to her twin.

Both Minho and Newt chuckled.

Thomas scratched the back of his head and climbed down the rest of the stairs – obviously embarrassed. The second he came down the steps Minho wrapped his arm around the brunette's neck – almost choking him.

They were all laughing, even Thomas.

Maybe this is what it feels like to have close friends, Thomas thought.

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