Clown Motel

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So this is about the actual Clown Motel in USA so if you know you know, cya!
P.S. Forgot to mention, they are like planets but humans, so basically they're planet humans, not actual humans btw.

Also, lots of swearing, in all the chapters I will do there will be swearing.

Third POV (location: Solar System household, Inner Planets room)

Snoring was heard in their room, and groaning as well. Mars woke up suddenly from snoring, he began to rub his white eyes, and began groaning. It was the second time this week.

"Dude wake up, Venus is going at it again.." Mars began shaking Earth, who woke up from the movement made.

"Not again.. just wake him up, or kick him, he'll stop.. or yell at you" Earth said in his morning voice, shifting in his bed, closing his eyes, not giving a fuck about what was happening next to him.

Mars groaned once again and got up from his bed, staying still for a bit to get used to getting up. He slowly went to Venus' bed, and began to shake him to wake him up.

Venus was not waking up, and began to snore louder. "This son of a bitch.." Mars was fed up, and slapped Venus' back.

"OWW! MAN WHAT THE FUCK" screamed Venus awake, and was sadly angry.
At the scream Earth and Mercury jumped awake. Mercury was confused, same as Earth but understood the situation as soon as he saw Venus and Mars.

"Dude, you were snoring again, I couldn't sleep anymore because of you." Mars said annoyed. Venus looked at him angry.

Before Venus could say something back, Mercury stepped in, to stop them, telling them to shut up, because it was morning and they could've woken up the others from the commotion caused by the two.

Earth got up without a word and went to the bathroom.

Time skip...

"So, we slept like shit, only got two hours of sleep because of this motherfucker, and now I'm the one driving? The fuck" Mars said while driving their car. They weren't the only ones going to the Motel, in the car with the Inner Planets was Moon, Phobos and Deimos, Mars' moons were annoying the shit out of Earth's Moon.

Earth was in the passenger seat next to Mars, on his phone, Mercury and Venus were behind them, and behind them were the moon's. They were in a Kia Sorento for context.

"Dude, it doesn't matter, you can sleep at the Motel while we explore the Motel ourselves." Said Earth while on his phone. "Or I could drive, if you are really that tired"

"Dude, I really need that sleep, I'll pull over and you'll drive then"

Another time skip... (Location: Clown Motel)

"Alright guys, wake up, we're heeeere" Earth said in a sing-song voice. He pulled up in a parking spot. "This looks creepy as fuck" Venus said as he drank his Asteroid shake. Mercury stopped talking to Moon and looked ahead of him, so did Moon.

"Ok, let's get this over" said Mars as he got out of the car. The others did just that and went to the front to get their room keys.

"It's freezing in here" said Moon, hugging himself. "You want my jacket? I can give it to you if you want" said Earth next to him. Moon nodded and he got the desired jacket. Earth remained in his white NASA hoodie.

"This lobby is weird, look at these creepy clown dolls!" Deimos said as he looked at the clown dolls. "Yeah! Very creepy!! Touch them!!" Said Phobos, excited."No, don't touch that shit" said Mars sternly not wanting to have to do with any paranormal type shit.

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