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As you've seen, I still haven't posted that chapter I said that I would post in January, but you see, the thing is... I seriously can't.

Dude, it's very hard now with all the assignments I have just to get over with this stupid exam in the summer.

I don't have the time to write anymore and I lost motivation to do so. But don't worry, cause this book will not be discontinued.

But it will be on a massive hiatus, till the summer, when I find out what score I got and hopefully celebrate that score.

I've seen the requests and yes, I will do them ,just not now, because school is a bitch.

Hopefully I'll be able to finish that chapter but don't get your hopes up.

Hopefully y'all don't swear at me like "omg she hasn't posted a chapter since idk November". K dude I get it.

I'm sorry, I really am but I seriously can't write like before.

Now I'ma stop at this word count (190) because some of y'all don't even read these.

Sorry y'all, have a nice night/day and stay hydrated and eat.

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