Stanley Hotel

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Hi requested by CinnamonTheRainwing

And for her request she wanted a hotel, sooo, I decided to torture our planets into going to the good ol' Stanley Hotel.

Hypemyke with his friends went there, and Sam & Colby went there also I think.

Alright, let's roll..

Also ps, this has a ship, Venus x Earth, so if you don't like the ship, then don't read.


Location.... Solar House (and outside for the intro)

It was a beautiful solar day... Tiny exo-planets playing with moon's... Their star parents watch them making sure they wouldn't kill each other.. so beautiful.. But ummm, in our household, well...

A loud cough was heard from the Inner planets bedroom. Wonder who was coughing so ugly.

Mars, uuhh, let's just say, caught a planet virus, per say in Earthling terms. Mars was in bed , wearing his Hello Kitty pj's. Phobos and Deimos were next to him playing Minecraft on their phones. Sure, they had a playstation in their room but they didn't want to use the controllers, so they were on their phones.

Mars was laying down, on his bed while coughing like he was dying, but he wasn't.

Venus and Earth were also in the room, in their usual clothes. Earth wearing a white NASA hoodie with some blue boot cut jeans and some Vans. Venus was wearing a Harry Styles gray shirt (I'm a big fan of Harry Styles so why not put him in a shirt I have from the Love On Your concert), with a black jacket on top and some simple black jeans. Oh and also he had a bright orange bandana on his head. He didn't have hair, but who cares, nothing here has logic, just style. (Hehe got the pun? No? Meh)

"You sure you're going to be alright, I know my Earthlings and their cures and shit,but I'm worried .." Earth said while next to Mars' side.

"I'm fine Earth, just can't get up. You know how Sun gets when we get allergies and viruses. Last time he didn't let you get out of bed for 2 weeks, I don't want that, so I'm staying like the good boy I am in bed"answered Mars as he moved a bit to look at Earth.

Meanwhile Venus was kinda jealous he wasn't getting any attention so he decided to make s move to Earth. Went up to him and put a hand on his waist pulling him close, and peeking him on the lips.

"HELLO kids here, can y'all take your asses outside to have a makeout session, not here with ME."

"Okay damn" guess who said that :)


"Okay so we have Moon here, Sweet pea over there, Mercury, EY STOP SLAPPING HIS NECK PHOSPHORUS VENUS HESPERUS. Thank you very much, uh Saturn's there, and Neptune... Where's Neptune?"

Just as Earth said that Neptune jumped out of his window on the second floor landing on the space grass. It was normal for him. Please ask Uranus he knows his cousin very well.

"Not again" Venus grunted out. Mercury sighs, and Earth just stares, no emotion behind his eyes, Moon does the same as Earth.

"ARE YOU OKAY MY DEAREST FRIEND?" Shouted out Saturn worried about his friend who just so happened to jump out the window on the second floor.

Neptune got up, and just walked to them like nothing happened. When he arrived he sat next to Saturn and said to Earth "I'm here, did I miss something?".

Earth just shook his head slowly.

Location... Stanley Hotel

"Guys, this looks like a normal hotel to me. Earth, I think that website was bullshit." Mercury talked as he was walking towards the entrance.

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