Haunted Scorpius Trail

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Requested by whyydjdjhd

They wanted a haunted hiking trail, so I shall grant their wish :)

Also If you want a visual about how the trail looks like check out the photo on top, there you can see the name I used for the haunted forest chapter

Ps. Like last chapter, it includes Venus x Earth so if you're not into that, than exit this chapter.

Alright, let's roll.


(Location : unknown)

In the car there was silence, wanna know why? Well, the moons were asleep in the back, Mercury was looking out the window, and Venus, oh poor Venus, he was contemplating on how to express his feelings towards Earth. Said planet was in the passenger seat looking on his galactic phone (idk, I try to make things sound space-like, so excuse me). And Mars was just driving, looking at his phone from time to time to check where he needed to take turns.

Just as Venus was about to say something, the car stopped.

"Heh, sorry about that guys, should've warned you that we've arrived." Said Mars as he rubbed the back of his head.

"You suck at driving " answered Venus as he readjusted his bandana.

" *Girl boss gasp* ExCuSe yOu"


"Did you guys really fight over what Venus said about your driving?" Asked Earth as he bandaged Venus' face , as he had a big purple damaged surface, it sat where his right cheek should be. You read that right, should be.

"Hell yeah, he said I suck at driving but he doesn't even drive!" Said Mars as he bandaged his right fist.

"Fuck you"


The trail looked like a normal trail, lush asteroid grass on the sides, a speck of nebular flowers and a blushing Venus walking close behind Earth.

Moon was hurdled up in Earth's arms, he was quite cozy, he was a bit embarrassed that he was like a child in Earth's arms but he cut off these thoughts and cuddled closer to Earth. In response Earth coo'd at the sight. AND Venus in response blushed harder than ever.

Mars chuckled at the scene in front of him, but quickly shut up as Phobos and Deimos were doing something stupid.


"So how long till we arrive at that river you told us about?" Asked Mercury, the question was directed to Mars.

"About.... Uhhh, Earth, I can't see , how many minutes does it say"

"You should've listened to Jupiter about the glasses. We have 4 minutes till we arrive at the river"


The group sat in front of the river. Mercury and Mars in front of the group, Phobos,Deimos and Moon were behind them (Mars and Mercury) and Venus and Earth were behind the moons .

"Hey Venus.."

"Yeah Earth? What's up?"

"Are you okay? You seem to get red every time I get near you or vice versa"

Venus was lost for words, he didn't know what to say, he didn't want to reveal his feelings for him but at the same time he did. When he was about to answer, something or someone came behind Earth.


Earth quickly turned around and got scared (wouldn't you get scared as well if a tall figure stood behind you?).

"Holy shit.."


"FUCKING HELP ME!!!" Screamed Earth farther into the forest, he was slung over the supposed shoulder of the unknown entity's back.

Venus was running so fast, he was faster than Mercury at that point. Even Mercury was surprised.

"SLOW DOWN YOU PIECE OF LITERAL SHIT!" screamed Venus at the monster.

And it stopped, dead in its tracks. Earth took this as an opportunity and ran towards Venus, behind him, like a lil bitch.

"The fuck did you just call me?"

Did the monster just talk? Of course it can, Wattpad logic doesn't make any fucking sense.

"Uhh.." Venus was lost for words. But Mars came to his rescue. Wonder how he came? Well..


And the idiots ran away screaming like lil kids on a camping trip, or something like that.


Oh and at the car Earth kissed Venus on the cheek <3


sorry for the long wait, school and such. Now this was pretty short, like 800 words, and so is the next request gonna be. Because I'm planning a big chapter, with all the characters introduced to the show.

Oh and, I'm sorry if it didn't fit the request, I kinda got lazy at the end.. so sorry in advance for that..

Edit 2 : off, this has been sitting in my drafts for a while, it's officially 29th of October, finished this on the 20th. Got a free schedule so yeah.

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