Ep 3: Them's the Breaks, Kid

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The Owl House

(Y/n is currently sitting on the couch while Hooty is still telling Y/n his stories... Stories that he has been telling Y/n for the past 2 days straight. Y/n just sits there looking like a dead fish, his eyes are dull there are dark circles under his eyes)

Hooty: The second owner was a witch that was making potions all the time! He once even smacked me with a broom! A broom!

Y/n: I wonder why...

Hooty: Can you believe that, N/n?

(Hooty smushes his face up against Y/n's causing his eye to twitch slightly. While Hooty continues talking Y/n gets a great idea)

Y/n: 'If I go to school, I'll be spending most of my day there and not here with Hooty! Y/n you genius!'

(Y/n stands up and looks at Hooty)

Y/n: Sorry to cut this... interesting story session of yours but I just remembered that I have to go to school.

Hooty: Sure thing! We'll just have to continue this when you come back!

Y/n: If I come back...

(He whispers to himself as he walks over to the front door)

Hooty: Bye!

(Y/n quickly exists the house and runs somewhere. It doesn't matter to him where he goes, as long as he gets a break from Hooty. Inside the house a big piece of paper appears on the couch, on the paper is a drawing of Y/n and when Hooty sees it he gasps)

Hooty: You're back! I just remembered something I need to tell you!

(Hooty starts to talk to the drawing of Y/n, not realizing that it is a drawing. And from that day forward Y/n rarely had to listen to Hooty's stories)

Bonesborough - Few Years Later

[I'll be changing that the past chapters Y/n would look like a 11 year old]

(A young orange haired witch is holding a pack of flashcards in her hands; the first one says, "Things abominations probably shouldn't do." The second card says: "The Titan's five humors." The witch is Edalyn Clawthorne or Eda for short)

" The witch is Edalyn Clawthorne or Eda for short)

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Eda: Okay. Titan's five humors.

(She and her older sister, Lilith...)


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Edalyn Clawthorne x Male Reader (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now