Part 4

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Unfortunately due to Shimamura's luck, it would remain unfair, because the sound of her sister and Yashiro climbing the stairs became obvious and Shimamura was suddenly filled with a burst of guilt and embarrassment at the thought that she was now further away in the stage of life of her sister due to her loss of innocence. Shimamura blushed fiercely and avoided eye contact with Adachi who was laying on top of her, with innocent affection in her widened eyes that did not match the not-so-innocent position they were in. She rolled out from under Adachi and flipped her over so she was now on top of her and Adachi whimpered, probably expecting what would have happened if Shimamura hadn't come to her senses about her family being right outside the room she lost. her. virginity. to. Adachi. in. Gosh, spelling it out in her mind made her even more ashamed and she so deeply wished they had been in Adachi's empty house, up in her bedroom, where they could spend all night with each other.

I can't believe that felt as good as it did, Shimamura thought as she secretly felt proud of her girlfriend's stamina.

Instead of doing what she really wanted to do, she messily removed herself from Adachi's body and grabbed her clothes. Adachi got the signal and did the same and Shimamura was glad she cooperated so quickly but then she noticed... did Adachi look annoyed? 

Of course she must be hot and bothered, we were hardly finished, Shimamura thought, a little annoyed herself. It would have to be another time when Shimamura showed Adachi just how good what they did could feel.

"Sis, we want to play on the balcony. Can you come open up?" Shimamura's sister asked, knocking repeatedly on the door like any little kid would.

Paranoid that Yashiro might float through the door and see the state of them (you could never fully know the extent of her powers), she called out "Coming in a sec!", patted down her ruffled clothes, and was about to open the door when she saw Adachi's hair in her peripheral vision.

"Adachi!!" she hissed angrily, though she couldn't be truly mad because her girlfriend looked so cute with her hair all messed up like that all she wanted to do was pinch her cheeks and scold her.

"What!?" Adachi asked, startled.

She patted down Adachi's hair and fixed it up at the speed of light just as she heard the doorknob turn and her sister and Yashiro enter.

It hadn't locked.

This whole time the door wasn't locked.

Shimamura thanked the universe that nobody had actually tried turning the knob and assumed it was locked and blew out a deep breath as Yashiro and her sister enter the room and disappear onto the balcony in a flash.

Alone again, Shimamura looked at Adachi's face cautiously, and saw the fear in her eyes at the idea of someone having walked through the unlocked door. Shimamura smiled smugly. Adachi had been so bold a few moments ago, so it was satisfying to see her feeling just as embarrassed as she was. I'll have to punish her for that stunt she pulled in the bedroom when I told her to stop, Shimamura thought to herself.

They arrived back at the dinner table and luckily Shimamura's mom and Adachi's were deeply engaged in some sort of debate that Shimamura's mom clearly seemed to be enjoying and Adachi's mom clearly seemed to be annoyed by, so they were able to slip back down in their seats and have dessert no-questions-asked.

"Is that good, Adachi?" Shimamura asked her as she watched Adachi take a bite of apple pie.

"I can't taste anything because all I can think about--" Adachi mumbled, cutting herself short.

"What are you thinking about?" Shimamura teased, knowing the answer.

"S-stop, someone might hear me," Adachi whispered.

"Oh? But you didn't stop when someone could have heard me," she refuted, feigning innocence.

Adachi's face turned red. Yep, that's what she had wanted to see.

"What are you two whispering about?" Shimamura's mom asked, noticing the clearly suspicious scene.

"Are you bullying Adachi? Look at the poor girl, she's shying away from you!"

"The most expressive I've seen my daughter is at your house," Adachi's mom sighed, cutting in.

Thanks to that and the two of them resuming conversation amongst themselves, Adachi and Shimamura were able to escape confrontation.

"Say, why aren't you like this with anyone else? Why aren't you like this at school? So many more people would just love you if they saw this cute side of yours," Shimamura stated sincerely, turning in her chair to look into Adachi's eyes.

Adachi looked away.

"Because I only want you to love me," she proclaimed.

Wow, there it was again. Adachi's sudden and bold ability to make her heart pound faster than ever.

"Mom? Can I go over to Adachi's house for a sleepover?" Shimamura asked abruptly, interrupting the two bickering parents.

"Huh? Sure, if this lady's ok with it," she said without a thought.

"If Adachi's ok with it then I couldn't care less," Adachi's mom stated.

Did Adachi look ok? No, she did not. In fact, she seemed to look like she was panicking. Shimamura grinned with satisfaction.

"Ok then, it's settled. I'm sleeping over tonight, and I won't accept excuses because you can't back out on me now that I've already asked," Shimamura whispered, smiling.


The two of them left once the party had died down and it was just Shimamura's mom and Adachi's watching TV with her sister and Yashiro while her dad sat and read the evening paper. This way, it would be just the two of them at Adachi's house. Adachi would be lying if she said this wasn't the reason she urged Shimamura to leave a little earlier than necessary for bed time.

But yes, it was true Adachi was also panicking, and she had reason enough. She still had the Christmas present from Shimamura on display on her shelf, along with the can of the drink Shimamura had bought her. Of course, this might have seemed like junk to anyone else, but to her it reminded her of warm memories spent with Shimamura. Obviously though, it would be embarrassing for Shimamura to see that so she was occupied with thinking about how to quickly remove those articles before Shimamura came into her room when Shimamura interrupted her thoughts.

"Adachi, I have to tell you something about myself," Shimamura said quietly, facing forward.

Adachi turned her face to look at her, ready to capture whatever words came from Shimamura's mouth next directly in her heart.

"I'm not the type of person to get attached to people, things, or places easily. In fact, I don't really get attached at all," she stated. Shimamura looked up at the sky, and her face looked like she was thinking hard about what to say next. Adachi waited patiently. She knew she was clearly the type to get attached, since she had fallen so in love with Shimamura she spent most of her day thinking about her, but even so she wanted to understand Shimamura's feelings as well.

"But for some reason, I think I've found myself becoming attached to you," Shimamura said finally, turning to look at Adachi.

Though she hadn't said a lot, this tiny glimpse into Shimamura's heart was all Adachi needed. Adachi was extremely happy and she wrapped her arms around Shimamura, hugging her suddenly, but not in the clumsy way she used to back when they were slightly younger. It had been a year since then and now Adachi held her firmly and securely, an action to show Shimamura that she had her back and was ready to support her.

"Let's go already," Shimamura said, pulling away. It would take time for her to expose her feelings to Adachi as much as Adachi revealed all her feelings for her.

"Yes!" Adachi replied, getting on her bike with Shimamura on it and pedaling as fast as she could towards her house. This Christmas night could possibly be the best day of Adachi's life.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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