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"Finally, I need your help with the snacks, I need you to pour them into those big ass bowls over there then I need you to mix the alcohol and the punch equally into this big as bowl and set them all onto this table," he babbles.

I take a deep breath, remembering all the things he gestures to as I walk into his house.

"I need like ten more people to help me, and I still haven't putting away all the fucking vases, I swear my mother hordes these shit,"

I chuckle slightly at his remarks before I walk over to the–as Liam puts it the big ass bowls. It's only then I notice Addison is there already pouring the chips into the bowl.

"These are some big ass bowls," I say.

She giggles slightly and nods in response. My eyes decide to be invasive and scan her body, she wears a tight black top that squeezes her in all the right places, and blue distressed shorts, they're so short I can basically see her ass slipping out but I don't point them out.

"How'd you get dragged into this one?" She asks.

I clear my throat a bit and rip my eyes up from her body, "I'm just here for moral support and the drinks,"

I pick up a bag of chips and burst them open before dumping them into the bowl, they were all the same bag of chips, salt and vinegar.

"So you drink?" She asks and I nod.

She beams slightly, pouring the bag of chips into the bowl before she turning around. She grabs two shootglasses and pours some Hennessy into the glasses. She hands me one and keeps the other for herself.

"No lime or salt?" I ask.

"Why, do you need it?" Her voice sounds teasing as she questions me.

I bring the glass to my lips before tilting it, throwing my head back a bit to swallow the stinging liquid as it reaches my throat.

She tilts her head back just as I did and swallows it in one.

"I guess you don't need it," she tells me.

After an hour or so, I had two shots in me and the party was fully set up, after we finished with the chips and snacks we had helped Liam carry all of his mom's vases and frankly anything glass to his parents bedroom where he locked the door.

A few people were already here but I was outside with a cigarette. Liam was standing next to me with a drink in his hand.

"Thanks for helping me out man," he says.

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