Chapter 20: Encounter With a Demon! The Third Round is Here!

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It's been a week since Taiyo met and trained with Jiraiya, they had a few sparring matches so the master can teach his pupil about new techniques he could use in battle. It was now one day until the third round and Taiyo had gotten word that Naruto was in the hospital so he decided to visit his friend.

(At the hospital)
Taiyo arrived at the hospital and went up to the receptionist for Naruto's room number, she gave it to him and he proceeded on his way. He eventually found the room number, knocked a few times, and walked in to see Shikamaru playing shogi next to Naruto's bed.

Taiyo: Hey Shikamaru, what's going on

Shikamaru: (Lazy) Hey Taiyo, I bet you're here to see this idiot

Taiyo: How did he even end up here?

Shikamaru: Beats me, I was just visiting Choji because of his stomach problems and I saw this guy in here

Taiyo: If I had an idea, he must've trained too hard again

Shikamaru: While you're waiting, why don't you join me in some shogi?

Taiyo: (Smiles) Why not, let's who will win this time

(20 mins later)
It's been a little while since Taiyo got here, now he and Shikamaru are neck and neck with this shogi game. The two boys then heard something.

Naruto: (Tired) Huh....where am I?

Taiyo: Hey there sleeping beauty, bout time you got up

Naruto: (Looks around) Taiyo and Shikamaru, what are you both doing here?

Taiyo: Well we were both being generous and decided to check on you in the hospital

Naruto: (Gets up quickly) The hospital!? How long until the third round!?

Shikamaru: (Annoyed) Man are you always this annoying when you wake up? The exams are tomorrow though


Taiyo: (Picking out ears) So I'm pretty sure everyone on the moon heard you, but yeah the exams are tomorrow

Naruto: (Calms down) Uhhh Shikamaru, why do you have fruit basket?

Shikamaru: (Holds up basket) Oh this, well this was for Choji, but he can't eat anything because of his stomach issues

Naruto: (Smirks) You wanna go to his room and eat it in front of him?

Taiyo: Woo, that sounds great, I'm down

Shikamaru: (Smirks) You're evil, let's do this

The three proceeded to leave for Choji's room, but then heard some noise come from another room. They decided to check out the noise and opened the door to see Gaara standing over Rock Lee about to kill him, Shikamaru quickly used a Shadow Possession on Gaara to lock him into place.

Naruto: (Punches Gaara in the face) That's enough!

Shikamaru: (Takes hit as well) Ah, you idiot I'm connected to him through my shadow so any damage he takes, I take damage myself

Naruto: (Embarrassed) Oh sorry

Taiyo: (Approaches Gaara) So what are you doing here Gaara?

Gaara: (Not fazed) I'm here to kill this one for not being able to kill him after our battle

Taiyo: (Angry) That's your reason, you bastard? I bet you really came here cause he almost beat you

Gaara: (Scary) I simply want to kill him, I have nothing against him at all

Naruto: (Pissed off) You're sick in the head, you're crazy!

Shikamaru: You think we're gonna stand by and let you kill him, you sick, selfish psycho

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