Chapter 24: Naruto's in Danger! The Clan Killer Makes His Appearance!

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It's been a couple days since the funeral of the Third and Taiyo has been training to use Solar Strength longer and learning how to use the Solar Beam with one, the latter is really hard because of the precise control. Right now the boy has started to heat up his hands enough so his kunai and shuriken to get really hot for more damage the enemy, this part of the training proved to be real easy for him. Another thing he did was focus Solar Strength into his legs for speed and being able to jump higher, this part was fun.

Jiraiya: Hey kid, hard at work?

Taiyo: (Looks over) Oh hey Jiraiya-Sensei, what's up?

Jiraiya: I just came to see how my student is doing in his training, so what have you done so far?

Taiyo: (Counts his fingers) I started to train Solar Strength for longer usage, I tried to use Solar Beam with one hand, I heated up my hands to make my kunai and shuriken hotter, and I focused Solar Strength to my legs for speed and higher jumps

Jiraiya: (Amazed) Wow kid, you're really trying to become stronger

Taiyo: (Smirks) Well it was my promise to Old Man Saru

Jiraiya: Are you alright, kid?

Taiyo: Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

Jiraiya: (Serious) Kid I know what you're doing, you're using your training as a grieving method

Taiyo: Huh?

Jiraiya: Trust me kid, I know this very well because I've used my training like this too. (Puts hand on Taiyo's shoulder) Listen I know you're angry about what happened, but training yourself non-stop is not good for you

Taiyo: (Looks down) I'm sorry Jiraiya-Sensei

Jiraiya: Now don't be so down kid, it happens with everyone in grief. (Smiles) Now back to business, would you like to come with me to find someone?

Taiyo: Who?

Jiraiya: Someone who will become the next Hokage

Taiyo: (Thinks) Is it Tsunade?

Jiraiya: (Smirks knowingly) How'd you guess, kid?

Taiyo: Well Old Man Saru trained the Legendary Sannin and you're apart of that along with Lady Tsunade and....Orochimaru. The Sannin would be perfect candidates for Hokage

Jiraiya: I'm impressed kid, so would you like to come with me?

Taiyo: (Smiles) Sorry Jiraiya-Sensei, but I don't want to

Jiraiya: Are you sure, I'm bringing another student with me?

Taiyo: And I'm sure Naruto will have a blast

Jiraiya: (Shocked) How do you know he's my student?

Naruto: He summoned toads during our battle against Gaara

Jiraiya: (Smiles) Alright kid, I guess this is goodbye for a little while

Taiyo: (Hugs him) Thank for training me and being very kind, Jiraiya-Sensei

Jiraiya: (Hugs him back) Aw shucks kid, you're making me blush. (Breaks hug and leaves) Welp see ya later kid

(Later that day)
Taiyo had taken a break from his training to go to a dumpling shop, he soon heard footsteps approaching and felt a hand on his shoulder.

???: Taiyo!

The boy turned around to see Sasuke with a concerned look on his face.

Taiyo: What's wrong Sasuke?

Sasuke: Naruto's in danger!

Taiyo: (Shocked) What do you mean?

Sasuke: My brother is back and coming for him!

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