Chapter 23: The Funeral of a Legend

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It's been a few days since the attack on the Leaf and the residents started to rebuild their homes. The brave Leaf ninja defeated the Sand and Sound, but it came with some casualties one being the Third Hokage.

(In the hospital)
We now find Taiyo in a bed still unconscious from the fighting he did, the boy's eyes started to open and he looked around.

Taiyo: (Hoarse) Where...where am I?

???: Well look whose's awake

The boy looked over to see Kakashi sitting by the side of his bed.

Taiyo: (Tries to get up) Kakashi

Kakashi: (Pushes him back down) Don't try to get up just yet, remember you're still injured and exhausted

Taiyo: What happened?

Kakashi: (Proud) Well you defeated Gaara with Naruto, I'm very proud of you for that and some people even see you two as heroes

Taiyo: (Surprised) Really?

Kakashi: Yeah kid, you did good. (Moods turns down) There's something I need to tell you, the Third Hokage is dead

Taiyo: (Shocked) What? How?

Kakashi: While you guys were fighting Gaara, the Third Hokage fought against Orochimaru and he sacrificed himself to defeat Orochimaru

Taiyo: (Angry) Orochimaru....(Starts banging fists against bed) Damn it, damn it, damn it! If only I knew I could've done something!

Kakashi: (Puts hand on his shoulder) Stop, there's nothing you could've done

Taiyo: (Looks up at Kakashi) I'm not strong enough, I need to be stronger to stop the evil in this world. (Tears up) Why does their have to be evil in this world?

Kakashi: (Pulls him into a hug and pats his back) I don't know kid, I just don't know

They both sat there for a while and after ten minutes they both separated.

Kakashi: (Ruffles Taiyo's hair) The funeral for the Third is tomorrow, I'll come and collect you from here then we can both go together

Taiyo: (Nods his head) Alright

Kakashi: Get some sleep kid, I'll see you tomorrow (he leaves)

Taiyo got comfortable on the bed and closed his eyes to sleep.

(The next day)
Just like Kakashi promised, he came back to get Taiyo and gave him some funeral clothing then they both went to the funeral. The duo arrived at the funeral and saw a lot ninja standing in front of memorial full of pictures of the ninja that died and in the center was the Third Hokage.

Kakashi: (Points the open spot) Come on, let's go over there

Taiyo: Sure

They both went to the spot next to Guy and his team, the boy soon heard footsteps and turned to see his team coming up and standing with them.

Taiyo: Hey guys

Naruto: What's up man

Sakura: Hi Taiyo

Sasuke: Are you ok?

Taiyo: I've definitely been better

Naruto: (Smiles a little) We all visited you in the hospital, you should've seen Ino and how worried she was

Taiyo: (Didn't react) I don't doubt it

Taiyo soon felt a hand on his shoulder and didn't even look up to know that it was Kakashi. After a while of standing there the ninja started to walk up to the Third's picture and put a flower down one by one. When it was Taiyo's turn, he remembered something the Third told him.

A nine year old Taiyo was sitting on top of the Hokage mountain, specifically on Hashirama's head.

???: Well hello there young one, what are you doing here?

The little looked behind to see the Third Hokage smiling at him.

Taiyo: Lord Hokage sir, it's a pleasure to see you

Third Hokage: (Chuckles) You don't have to use such formalities when it's just the two of us, please call me anything you like

Taiyo: (Smiles) Well ok, Old Man Saru

Sarutobi: (Sits next to him) So tell me Taiyo, how has your life been?

Taiyo: It's been very well, I'm doing good at the academy and I've made a lot of friends

Sarutobi: I've heard you made close friends with Naruto and Sasuke

Taiyo: Yeah I can most definitely tell they are both my best friends

Sarutobi: (Remembers) You know you're friendship with them reminds me of the friendship of Hashirama Senju, Satoshi Ryujin, and Madura Uchiha

Taiyo: Really?

Sarutobi: Yes, in fact I believe that some friendships are so strong they can even transcend lifetimes and I see you that three have inherited their will

Taiyo: (Amazed) Huh, that's interesting, I hope I live up to your expectations!

Sarutobi: (Smiles) I'm sure you will

Taiyo: Can I ask you a question?

Sarutobi: What is it?

Taiyo: Why is there hatred and evil in the world?

Sarutobi: (Strokes his beard) You may think hatred breeds the evil in this world, but you are mistaken because there is no evil in this world. Someone may be evil to you depending on their actions, but something in the world caused them to hate and hatred breeds more conflict and the conflict breeds more hatred. This world is cruel yet beautiful at the same time and you must find the good in people so the hatred and conflict will stop

Taiyo: Wow

Sarutobi: Take the words into account and always remember them, Young Shinjuka

Taiyo: (Smiles) I will!

(Flashback End)

Taiyo: ("Forgive me old man, I had forgotten that you had said that to me. I promise you that will stop the hatred and conflict in this world!")

The boy put his flower down and went back to stand with his team.

After the service had ended, Kakashi took his team to a nearby rooftop.

Naruto: (Excitedly) Hey Kakashi-Sensei, can you teach me Chidori?

Kakashi: It's really not that simple, it's an advanced technique

Naruto: (Annoyed) That's stupid, teach it to me now!

Kakashi: Try gathering chakra into your hands

Naruto grabbed his wrist and tried gathering chakra in his hand while Taiyo, Sasuke, and Sakura watched.

Sakura: (Turns to Sasuke) Hey Sasuke, I wanna thank you for saving me

Sasuke: (Dark) It wasn't me who saved you, it was Taiyo and Naruto

Sakura: (Surprised) Really?

Sasuke: You should have seen them, they risked everything to save you and tapped into so much power

Sakura: (Smiles and looks at Taiyo) Well in that case, thank you Taiyo, you and Naruto are my heroes

Taiyo: (Neutral) If I was hero then maybe the Third would still be alive

The boy walked from the conversation and jumped from building to building towards the training ground.

Hey everyone hope you enjoyed the chapter
Did anyone see the reference I put in?
Anyways see you in the next chapter!

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