Chapter 1 - Anger

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After a long day...

"Alhaitham," Kaveh called out to the scribe who was thoroughly engrossed in a book, as he opened the door. "I brought some cupcakes, would you like to have one?"Kaveh's voice was hopeful as he presented a large box of Alhaitham's favourite cupcakes. Alhaitham barely spared him a glance, causing Kaveh's expression to darken. 'I'll leave them here,' Kaveh said, his tone sounding a little disappointed, as he gently set the box on the table.

 However, as he was placing the box down, an accidental nudge against the table caused a series of unfortunate events. The cupcakes tumbled from their once-neat arrangement, onto Alhaitham, resulting in a chaotic mess. Alhaitham, who was already affected by a particularly bad mood that day, hurled the book he had been reading at Kaveh's chest in a surge of frustration. 'What's wrong with you?' he demanded.

Taken aback by the sudden outburst, Kaveh retorted, "Could you please take a moment to calm down? I was merely trying to be nice!"

Upon hearing this, Alhaitham's irritation grew further.

"You know what? Your uselessness and irritation seems to have a direct link to the reason why your parents left you. Your construction designs are just as worthless as your character. You can't even pay rent! I wish you'd stop living off me," he stated, his gaze fixed on the blonde figure before him.

Hearing these hurtful words, Kaveh was left stunned. He stormed to his room, slamming the door shut with a loud thud. Alhaitham let out a sigh, genuinely surprised by his own words. He couldn't believe he had let out such harsh remarks to Kaveh simply because of his own frustration. Seated alone at the table, he furrowed his brow, contemplating how to apologise to Kaveh.

Once inside his room, Kaveh leaned against the door and broke down. It wasn't sadness that overwhelmed him, it was a sense of shame that gripped his heart. This wasn't the outcome he had envisioned. He had simply intended to be nice to his junior for once.

Seated on the cold floor, he dwelled upon Alhaitham's words. With each passing thought, guilt and embarrassment welled up within him, swallowing him up further. Despite being angry with Alhaitham, the reality of his own situation couldn't be denied: he was indeed freeloading. Moreover, his earnings from his work wasn't much either.

That night, Kaveh fell asleep on the floor with a tear-stained face.

As morning came, Alhaitham decided to apologize to Kaveh for his unkind words. He was aware that his remarks had struck a sensitive chord with Kaveh and regretted letting them slip out in the heat of the moment.

However, as he knocked on the architect's door, there was no response. Assuming he was just upset with him, he cautiously pushed the door open.

Yet, as the door swung ajar, Kaveh was nowhere to be found.

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