Chapter 4 - The Search

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Warning: unintended pun + spoilers (if you can find which part it is)

Alhaitham stayed home for days, waiting for Kaveh to maybe one day come home, like he always would. However, things were no longer the same. Alhaitham's long await was useless, and the house felt like a jail cell, where he was locked away from communicating with his roommate. Hence, after countless thoughts, Alhaitham decided to set out to search for Kaveh through the 7 nations. 

Alhaitham's POV:

"Archons, I swear, this Kaveh will be the end of me... Ugh.."  Alhaitham huffed, pinching his eyebrows together. Alhaitham placed the book down. He then brought along humongous a sack of mora, just enough to last his whole journey. 

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·

Alhaitham's journey to Snezhnaya was a daunting adventure that took him far from the familiar landscapes of Sumeru. With a determined spirit and a heart filled with purpose, he embarked on a long and arduous voyage across land and sea. The path to Snezhnaya was shrouded in mystery, its icy terrain and formidable reputation known to few. Alhaitham, however, was undeterred, driven by a quest that had become deeply personal. As he traversed through snow-covered landscapes and encountered the frigid winds of this distant land, he couldn't help but reflect on the significance of his journey. Every step took him closer to the answers he sought, and he was determined to unveil the truths hidden beneath the icy facade of Snezhnaya...

:3 extra backstory :33 (i cant insert emojis this is the school computer)

"ALHAITHAM!! WHERE DID YOU THROW MY DRAWINGS I NEED THEM RIGHT. NOW." Kaveh stomped into the living room, fuming. "DAWG WTF I DIDNT EVEN THROW IT IT'S PROBABLY IN YOUR ROOM OR SOME." Alhaitham shouted back, matching his energy (>-< so kawaii desu!!) "I SWEAR THEY'RE ALL GONE AND I CHECKED EVERYWHERE" Kaveh screamed.  Alhaitham did not give a fuck <3 

kaveh rn:

kaveh rn:

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