Chapter 7? (i)

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     TW: ABO, brainrot, max level skibidi gyatts

  Hmm.. Fontaine doesn't sound like a bad idea, right? It is fancy and to my liking, surely a good place to take a break!

i skibidi gyatted my self to the ohio of all states and ate until i felt like caseoh. I wanted to be like kai cenat and fanum tax, but my baby gronk isnt here. What could i possibly do! Hm.. oh no! Is that a full moon? real or fake... hm! fake! oh no! real!

I couldn't help but tremble. Not in anger, but from my transformation. This sigma alpha could never  tremble in fear. My green orbs turned red as my clothes began to rip and tear off my muscular skibidi built. "Grr..." I growled out. I couldn't control my body and wanted to fanum tax... but no. I will only fanum tax my Kaveh, and only my Kaveh..

Suddenly, I head a leaf crunch behind me. I turn around, eyes glowing from my transformation. "Who's... there.." I groaned out. Who in the ohio fanum gyatts would dare interupt my transformation..?! 

The person behind me stopped. His orangish red orbs froze and looked at me in terror. He was trembling all over..!!! Such a deliscious prey.. Wait.. is that..





My red glowing orbs vibrated around in my eye sockets. "No.. Baby gronk, why're you here..? You shouldn't see me like this... You're an omega! ..You will..-!" I cried out, worried for my little skibidi. However, his max level skibidi gyatt was tempting me. I couldn't help but want to grimace shake it. "A-Alpha 'Haitham.. It's a-alright... I or-ri-rigin-n-.. nally.. wanted to ask you for h-help.. But now y-you do too..-!! S-so.." Kaveh stuttered, face blushing furiously.  His words were a jumbled mess, but atleast I understood him.

"You...want to..?" My eyes widened. A grin threatened to appear as i licked my lips deviously. Kaveh burried his face in his hands and muttered, "Y-yes.. alpha.. mmmgh-"

I pried his hands away from his face and leaned in to kiss him. Saliva connected his lips as his lips parted to welcome me.  I grinned against his mouth and pushed my tongue into his. Our tongues fought against each other for control, but I was the victor.  I felt my baby gronk omega moan against my lips and felt something hard rubbing gainst me.

Dear skibidis and baby gronks,

I sincerely apologise for writing this whole lot of brainrot. I hope you can forgive me as We still don't know how to continue with the plot. But we will upload again soon! Maybe a week later! Maybe tomorrow! 

Thank you.


author 2

author one is the owner of the account btw shes busy and im author 2 i did chapter 5 and 6 and this one. ig. the rest we did it together lolol (please don't report this book pleasplease its pg 😿

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