Chapter 5 - Distance

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A few months passed since he left...

Alhaitham's side

Alhaitham's search for Kaveh in Snezhnaya was useless. He asked around the locals if they had seen a blonde haired, reddish-orange eye male but none of them had seen anyone with that appearance. 

After making a nation wide search for Kaveh and still having no response, he decided to go back to sumeru and rest before going to Fontaine, Inazuma, Monstadt, Liyue and Natlan to continue his search for Kaveh. But did he succeed?



It was a rainy day. Alhaitham woke up sluggishly and lay in bed, his arm resting on his forehead. 'Another day without Kaveh... Will I ever find him? I couldn't even find him in any of the seven nations! Should I search again? Maybe one day he'll come back! Maybe one day.. ' his thoughts trailed off as he slowly rolled over and sat up from his bed, making his way towards the bathroom.

His hair was a mess, and he had dark eye circles. Looking at his appearance, he frowned. The dark eye circles reminded him of a certain someone.
"... "

Alhaitham then went to the living room to have breakfast. There was an unsettling peacefulness, a little too quiet. Alhaitham was about to say something, but then realised he would be talking to the air.
It's not like a certain someone always made breakfast for him. Of course nothing felt amiss, there was nothing to feel guilty of... 





Kaveh's side

Just like Alhaitham, every morning dawned for Kaveh as he knew that loneliness would be his companion throughout the day. The solitude he felt, especially echoed in the quiet hours, a constant reminder of his isolation.

Fontaine was an entirely distinct world, a realm apart from Sumeru. Here, different faces, captivating scenes, and new cuisines awaited. The sole companion by Kaveh's side at that time was his suitcase, Mehrak. Apart from that, everything else remained new and unfamiliar to him.

just like this, three whole years passed.

Fortunately for Kaveh, he gradually grew accustomed to life in Fontaine, forging close bonds with the residents there. As he immersed himself in meaningful connections and adapted to the rhythm of life there, the memories of his roommate began to recede. With each passing day, the once-vivid image of his roommate slowly faded into the background, replaced by the vibrant tapestry of new experiences and relationships he was weaving.

Returning to the present, Kaveh has taken up a new role as a barista, all the while continuing to craft some designs for construction projects. Amidst his evolving routine, the lingering memory of Alhaitham revolves around a debt—captured by a note he affixed to the wall on the very day he arrived in Fontaine, bearing the words: "Pay off the debt I owe"


But, who was it that he owes...?

Authors notes :3

HII OMG WTF sorry y'all we forgot to post bc we aren't deskmates any more😿 if we're deskmates again next term we'll def upload consistently!! Thanks for your support and telling alhaitham to kys you guys are so real for that💗💗


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