Chapter 2 - Sorrows

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Yet, as the door swung ajar, Kaveh was nowhere to be found.

Alhaitham's POV

Alhaitham tried calling out to the architect, "Kaveh...?" However, the room remained silent, devoid of any response. Stepping into the room, the scribe's eyes widened in disbelief. The space that once held Kaveh's presence had undergone a remarkable transformation—it was almost barren. The shelves that were once brimmed with sketches and blueprints now stood empty, their contents entirely gone. The familiar items that had once decorated every corner had vanished without a trace.

Alhaitham's thoughts raced as he took in the scene, his gaze shifting from one empty spot to another. "What is this..." he wondered aloud, a mixture of confusion and concern etched into his expression. The room, once a sanctuary of creativity, was now rendered unrecognisable.

Just at that moment, a dull yellow note caught his attention, standing out amidst the barren surroundings. With heavy steps, he approached the table where the note lay. Picking it up, he read its contents.

The note had Kaveh's meticulous handwriting, and its words read,

Dear Alhaitham,

I have decided to go to Snezhnaya to work to pay off my debt. Please take good care of yourself.



Alhaitham read the brief note repeatedly; Kaveh hadn't provided a return date. With each reading, a wave of concern surged over him, causing him to instinctively rub his temple. Regret weighed heavily as he realized that the harsh words he had spoken couldn't be taken back, especially now that Kaveh was already gone.

"Kaveh..." he muttered under his breath.

Kaveh's POV

Sitting on the boat for Fontaine,

Kaveh heaved a sigh of relief. He was finally free from that suffocating place. While he was guilty for lying that he was going to Snezhnaya, a wave of relief washed over him. He found comfort in the assurance that, for now, his whereabouts would remain unknown.

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