Chapter 6 - trying

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3 years have passed since Alhaitham's last search for Kaveh. However, he could not help but think of him daily. Everyday, he recall about Kaveh, how Kaveh returns home happily sometimes, how Kaveh stays up late at night, how he now understands and regrets his actions...


 Alhaitham's POV


Looking at the old sketches, my vision slowly clouded. Why did I do all of that? Why was I so oblivious to how tired he was from all that work, how tired he was of keeping up and trying to do his best even with how I treated him? As tears fell onto the sketches I clutched in my hands, memories of how I had treated him on many occasions flooded in...

It was midnight. The chirping of crickets was soft, and the hooting of owls was peaceful. I was sitting beside the lamp, reading the notebook I held in my hands. With the neighbourhood inactive outside, I could finally take a break and prepare for the speech I have tomorrow in peace. The flipping of pages filled the dorm. "Click!"

The front door's lock clicked, interrupting the peaceful silence. As the door slowly opened, slouching outside the door was Kaveh, who just came back from his lessons. Without looking away from my book, I said, " Kaveh, remember to clean up your room. It is too messy for me to go across and get to bed nowadays." Normally, there would be a nod from him. This time, however, he simply walked towards the bedroom. "Kaveh! Do you hear me?" I called out. Again, no reply or reaction from him. I frowned and repeated louder, "Kaveh! Clean our room! There's too much junk of yours there!"

"Stop nagging! Can't you see that I'm tired? All you ever do everyday is nag at me! Give me a break!" Kaveh snapped back at me. I froze and stared at him in shock. I widened my mouth to retort back, but nothing came out. Kaveh glared at me and ran into the bedroom. "Bang!"

Kaveh slammed the door shut. Soon, sniffles could be heard from the bedroom. A pang of regret hits my heart. My mind swirled in a thick fog of uncertainty. "Do I go and apologise now? But he's still crying... Maybe when he calms down?", "No, he will still be upset at me! Should I apologise tomorrow?" Conflicted, I heaved a heavy sigh. "It will be fine, I'll settle it with him tomorrow," I muttered to myself. That was not convincing.

I returned my gaze to the book in my hands, attempting to distract myself from the waves of conflict. However, trying to immerse myself into the book was mission impossible. There was not one sentence that I could read properly without the turmoil in my head. As the sound of meaningless flipping of pages filled the living room, the sniffles in the background gradually softened, and silence returned, once again. This time, the silence of the room was suffocating.

After a while, I was done reading the book. I wanted to read it one more time, but the drowsiness caught up to me. "I should go to bed now, it's getting really late," I yawned, looking at the clock that just struck 2 am. Barely keeping my eyes open, I closed the book and went to the bedroom. As I opened the door, sounds of the pencil scribbling in a book could be heard. Holding a pen and a book was Kaveh writing frantically in it. He must have heard me entering, as he briefly stopped writing, before returning to his pace.

The sounds of his writing was the only thing breaking the silence, yet it made the surroundings more awkward and tense. Looking at his shadow, regrets hit my heart once again, making me unbearably nauseous. I wanted to apologise, but it was already late at night. With my heart clenched, I glanced at his back once more, before turning myself into slumber.

Slowly, I brought myself back to reality. It has already been over, I can't undo what I have done. I shook my head and decided to give myself a break. But where to? 



...maybe fontaine?


author's notes

lol this was actually kavetham I had to write for my teacher's compo prompt but in the end I didn't hand it in so let's hand it here instead!! 

next chapter tomorrow ig (what do we even write atp LMFAOO)


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