⁂ 𝓪 𝓬𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓮...

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I streched my body, loosening my stiffed muscles.

"Ugh... My excitement takes a toll on my body. I bloody need a bowl of espresso" I yawned.

I attended my 9AM class in the history national library and ofcourse I arrived late.

"Class excuse me. Can I borrow Ms. Y/N for a moment" Mr. Smith smiles towards the crowd of children.

Bugger old jock. I'm late already and now he's interrupting my class tour.

I excuse myself and pulled Mr. Smith with me.

"Do you need anything from me Mr. Smith?" I forced smile at him as all of the eyes of students are on me.

"I have lovely news for you. The research team found the place where the other items left buried hypothetically by the Greek Gods" He smiled at me.

"They are acquiring your assistance to identify the items. Your schedule is this afternoon, here's your ticket to the plane" He puts the ticket on my palm.

"Ecstatic! A battery to my dead morning. Thank you so much Mr. Smith" I started jumping holding his hand in excitement.

He hold my hand stops me as the students saw their teacher jumping like a toddler.

"Just be careful with what you are going to touch. I hope you won't get across with a cursed object!" He exclaimed.

"I could sense that it's the opposite of what you really thought. You want to get rid of me old jock?" I eyed at him. I started laughing at my own nonsense joke.

I'm really not laughing right now because I believe in curse. What the hell?

"Yes! I do! So my problem on making another master key would be gone" He laughed after me.

"Alright! I would be gone before you know it. Temporarily!"

And here I am, with the research team in one of desert place, digging to find items to surrender it to government.

The sounds of digging and metal hitting on metal, echoing in the cave. I move forward to see a small space, more likely a small cave.

"I'll search deeper in the cave!" I told the research team as they agreed.

"Mademoiselle! Don't go too far from us you might get lost!" My assistant warned me. I smiles and nodded.

I started to walk deeper into the cave. As I touch the caves wall, I could feel some mark on it. Like a bruises on a human body, these marks symbolize that the cave is ages old and had experienced many things.

I like to test things and know about them since childhood. Many consider it nonsense but it all sounds like an exciting story. Today's generation does not like history but they do not know that even today there are many such secrets which even science could not solve.

I keep on walking on some rocky soil, adjusting my helmet's torch to see the pathway properly. While walking I felt that something is wet under my feet, I turned the flashlight and saw that there is some water here.

"Alright! Y/N slowly- AARGHHH!"

I accidentally stepped on a loose soil ground, slipping down. I landed somewhere unknown.

"Oww... I think I broke my ankle!"

I dusted off myself and look around on another cave chamber with a hole above.

What is this? Where am I?

"I could see the clouds. What is this place? We never saw another hole when we scanned the desert place from the helicopter" I talked to myself, scanning the place.

There are many things going into my mind. How can water be present in a deserted area.

I switched on my the GPS tracker. This is the most important equipment for an archaeologists and researcher like me. Curiosity always leads us to death in exchange for discovery.

"I hope they are tracking me right now..." I bit my lower lip in tension which raising in every passing minutes.

I looked around the cave to find a exit of this place. My eyes caught a shiny things under the sand.

"What's that shiny thing-"

I walked closer to find a gold item. I take it out from the sand and dusted off the sand from it. It shines brightly after cleaning it with my hands. I stared on it.

"It looks like a small anvil. But why is it even in here?" I take closer look to it.

After scanning it, I placed the object inside my pocket. I need to review my notes to identify what kind of item I have got.

I waited for an hour for researcher team but panic started to swallow my mind as no one come to find me.

"Why aren't they coming? I don't want to die here"

Perhaps no one will come, I will have to help myself, remembering this, I turned in the direction from where I had slipped and came here.

I tried to climbed up from where I slipped. I'm literally crawling my body on the rocky soil and then a spotlight blinded my vision.

"Ms. Y/N is this you? You are alive! Dear goodness!" My assistant help me to crawl out of that deadly hole.

"Yes it's me. Can you please grab my hand? I'm barely holding to anything" I breathed out, which is I'm holding crawling from this path.

The team help me to sit on the rock and pass me a bottle of water.

While some of the team checking the path where I slipped. I noticed the entrance of cave is dark.

"What time it is?" I ask turning to my assistant.

She hurriedly take out her phone. "Seven in the evening-" She said cleaning my scrapes.

"We had a hard time locating you because your GPS tracker was not showing on our radar" She continues.

What? I'm gone for five hours?!...

"A-Are you sure? Because it still bright before I left the other chamber and crawled up the pathway"

"Yes we are hundred percent sure. Maybe you forgot that you drifted to sleep and didn't notice it's dark outside before going back" She put a blanket above me.


I sighed.

I'm going mad as a bag of ferrets. What's with the cave?

My eyes glared at the dark hole as I remember the memory of a while ago.

𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐏𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 | 𝚂𝚞𝚐𝚊 | 2𝚗𝚍 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔Where stories live. Discover now