⁂ 𝓬𝓻𝓾𝓼𝓱...

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"Do you listen music too?" I questioned.

"Ofcourse! We are a big fan of BTS. That's why we used their names too" Jungkook smiled looking at the frame he was holding.

A picture of a man is visible to my eyes. A man having dragon like eyes and dimple deeper than ocean.

"Is his name you are using?" I pointed towards the frame.

Jungkook turned to me, speechless. His eyes went bigger and stared at me. I waited for him to continue but he said nothing.


"Umm He is actually his crush!" Hoseok said coming with coffee mug in his hand.

"Hyung~" Jungkook whines running away with the frame.

"What happened to him?"

"Nothing!" Hoseok shrugged.

"Who's that guy?" I asked to him.

"Oh well that's Kim Namjoon! Jungkook saw him one day with only his shorts. After that day he feels shy taking about him" Hoseok laughed.

I giggled. "What's the name of that group?"

"Ohh- Bangtan Seonyeondan"

I keeps on staring on those colourful dust flying in the air. I'm getting distracted.

"Bangtan- What? I never heard about them. Um what are those glittering thing flying above us?"

"Oh that's fairy dust!" Taehyung appeared from nowhere. "It's like a decoration. Don't worry it brings no harm to you" He blew air to those glittering dust away from me.

"But they have a mind of their own!" He smirked.

Sometimes I don't understand Taehyung's behaviour.

"Al...right!" I keeps on looking at fairy dust.

Hoseok pulled up a picture infront of me. "They are famous in the world, they're hip-hop boy band group"

"Are they Chinese!" I stared at the screen.

"Noo~" Jungkook whines holding the frame in his hand. "Why do people always think that a Korean person is a Chinese? Whatever, just listen to their great songs"

Jungkook played some of the k-pop boy band songs and jigs together with Taehyung and Hoseok. Hoseok showed his flawless moves while dancing some of their hardest choreography, which I can't even behind the door of my bathroom.

I'm in search for the pale man. After the karaoke with the three fairies. We sang and danced on some of the music. My energy was starting to run low so I made excuses to escape from them.

But seems like winter fairy vanished but instead I found a basement and explored further.

"Bollocks! They have their own library!" My eyes sparkled looking at the books.

"These books are too old to carbon-dated. This is awesome!" I smiled and about to take out a book from the shelf.

"I thought I made myself clear that I didn't want you to disturb my work-" I heard the voice which I really don't want to listen, not right now.

I slowly turned back to face the ice itself. But to my uttter surprised no one is there.

"Where that voice is come from?" I confused, walks further.

As I walks further I saw him sitting on the chair with a book in his hand. I was surprised on the winter fairy's presence.

"You are working right now? You are just reading a book?"

He sighed. "I'm concentrating to maintain my magic in moderate state"

"Amazing! You can produce snow while you're doing something else"

He slammed his book on the table. "You are annoying me lady! This is the reason why I don't want to let a stupid human in our territory" He looked up at me.

What's my mistake in this? What did I do wrong? Asking something is annoying?

The winter fairy stands up and ready to leave the library. His patience for the human's limited knowledge is out of his job to handle.

"Why are you so cold? Why don't you be nice like those three other fairies? Hey! I'm talking to you!"

I grabbed his wrist that makes Yoongi to jolt. He quickly released his hand.

"What is that? What did you do?" He started panting.

I don't have little clue about what he is talking about. We stared at each other.

"W-WHAT is what? Have you lost your marbles?" I walked towards him.

"No! Don't get close to me" He left me so puzzled up on his defensive behaviour towards me.

I asked Hoseok is I could read the books in the library and he said yes.

I'm so delighted that most of the the old records and scriptures that is left readable is complete and in a good shape in their library's original records.

"I knew it! Oopps... I get excited to much!"

She spent quite a while on their house and learned so much while trying not to make the winter fairy mad or colder to be exact.

𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐏𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 | 𝚂𝚞𝚐𝚊 | 2𝚗𝚍 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔Where stories live. Discover now