The End Of It All (Prologue Pt 1)

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Bliss is a picture of Taylor Swift, right? I'm trying to convince myself to be happy....

TRIGGER WARNINGS- running away, car crash, blood, hospital, slight mention of suicide, death, disease, some swearing. Probably more hee-hee. I'm just trying to get a lot of the drama out of the way without too many flashbacks later.

Alright, here we go!!



The call came at the worst possible moment. Talia had been packing her backpack to try and get the fuck out of this hell house. The constant beeping from the machine She was hooked up to was terrible, when her dad and Jace got back home they could take care of Her. But the call woke Her up.

"TALIA" She screamed out between coughs and wheezes "GET THE FUCK IN HERE AND PICK UP THIS DAMN PHONE YOU LITTLE BITCH!"

Talia wanted to leave out her window as she had planned, but the coughing and wheezing coming from Her room was too much she sighed she's still my mom, she thought as she walked down the hall.

Talia opened the door with her head down looking at the old wooden floorboards, she tried her hardest to avoid eye contact with the woman who was lying in the bed. The beeping was unavoidable throughout the whole apartment, but in this room, it was more present than anywhere else. The phone was still ringing. Talia picked it up to answer before it went to voicemail.

She would be mad if that happened.

"Hello, this is Generic Hospital, Is this Barbara Jones?" a sterile voice came from the other end of the line. They're probably calling about some blood work for Her.

"This is her daughter, Talia, what's up?" she asked in a bored tone, realizing She had already fallen asleep again.

"Honey, there's been an accident." the woman on the other end said.

"What do you mean?" Talia asked with her voice suddenly starting t shake.

"Sweetie, can I talk to your mom?" the woman said

"I-I no she's sick," Talia said while looking over at Her.

"Talia, your father, and your brother have had an accident, we need you to come to the hospital as soon as possible." the woman said calmly, but the words weren't calm for Talia, they sent her spiraling.

"I'll be right there," she said and hung up. Talia felt like she couldn't breathe.

Do I wake her up or, Talia paused looking at the woman who had caused her so much pain, she looked so weak. but she still looked angry.

Talia left without waking her mom. I can just get an Uber.

She grabbed her phone and her backpack while walking down the hall, she put her headphones on to try and drown out the beeping, she pulled out her phone and opened Spotify, pressing her playlist waiting to be comforted by the music she loved, but it was some random song, she skipped, until she couldn't anymore. her free skips had run out.

Her family couldn't afford premium after She got sick, they couldn't afford anything anymore.

Talia walked through the halls of the shitty apartment complex while listening to Taylor Swift on shuffle.

When Talia got downstairs she pulled out her phone and opened her Uber account. It was a fake person she wasn't old enough to use it. But she didn't let people know that. As she waited for the Uber she bounced around to the music. The only main issue with free Spotify was the perpetual shuffle. It made it really hard to make sure certain songs didn't play. When The Best Day (Taylor's Version) started to play, Talia closed Spotify. I'll just wait for the Uber in silence. she stared down at the sidewalk, covered in dirt.

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