I Knew You Were Trouble (Chapter 3) Part 1

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^^She's strong guys.

TRIGGER WARNINGS Swearing (you know the drill, I have no words without them), and extremely creepy teen boys.


Damn , she's so cute when she's asleep. Like a kitten or something, I just want to squeeze her.

I run my finger through her hair (A.N. and watch the lights go wild, tee-hee, I love sparks fly) as she sleeps. She snuggles closer to me in her sleep. Slowly in her sleep, she says from a dream, or maybe she's awake,

"I love you, Taylor."

I look at her, trying to see if she's awake or not, she's asleep, because no one breathes that slowly awake, and nobody on earth can't laugh a little when Phoebe sings smelly cat. keeping my voice low, but hoping she hears me through her sleep, I whisper near her ear,

"Love you too Tals, forever and always."

(The next morning)



 I wake up to 3 cats sitting on me and Friends playing in the background while sitting in Taylor's lap as she hugs me while sleeping. The second the cats notice I'm awake, they start meowing at me, probably wanting food.

"Shhhh, don't wake Taylor up! " I yell whispering at them, but it's too late, she starts to wake up as I look at the cats

"What?" Taylor looks down at me sleepily, "Oh, good morning Tals."

"Good morning. maybe afternoon, I'm not sure what time it is." I look around for a clock as I hop off Taylor's lap. On the wall is a cute vintage fancy-looking clock, probably worth more than my entire existence.

"It's 3:30."

"OH SHIT!" Taylor stands up flinging the cats off her, they land on their feet unharmed.


"You have to go get your stuff in like 30 minutes so we can drop you off!" she looks at me as she starts running upstairs.

"Where are you going?" I look around confused,

"You and I need clothes, do you have Cassie's phone number?"

"Umm, no."

"Ok, grab my phone and call her, the password is 1313. Tell her I need her to pick us up as soon as possible." I pick up her phone and call Cassie.

"Hey, Taylor-"

"Cassie, It's Talia, can you come get me and Taylor?" I talk fast as I look around for my clothes from the day before.

"Um, yeah, where are you?" I can hear her rummaging around with something on the other end of the line,

"We're at Taylor's house."

"OK, I'll be there in under ten minutes."

As I hang up the phone I pick my clothes up from the bathroom counter where I left them yesterday, the shorts should be fine to wear, the shirt, probably not.

Taylor comes down dressed in blue jeans and a lavender shirt, with a pile of clothes for me.

"I just grabbed whatever looked like it might fit you, your shorter than me so hopefully these work."

"They should, and I can probably just wear my shorts from yesterday." She nods as I walk into the bathrooms.

I hope the foster family is nicer than my actual family...

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