Its Nice To Have A Friend (Chapter 5)

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^^Taylor swift voted for this story and so should you! Please. I'd pay you but I have no money.

TRIGGER WARNINGS-Swearing (a lot, as usual), Injury, mention of abuse.


"Im Talia."

"Im Liv." The woman smiles at me as I slowly start to fall asleep again.

"Whoa hey, don't fall asleep! Shit, what would Jackson do? SHIT!"

The humming of the hospital fades away, as I return to peaceful sleep.



When I finally got a text back from Tals I thought it would be something good, I thought she was just busy with her new family, and getting settled in before school started.

But I was wrong, I was so, so wrong.

As soon as I saw her text I called her at least 100 times, but she wouldn't pick up, now I'm in a car with Marcus and Jason. I should be packing bags for when I leave in 3 days for Mexico, but instead, I'm practically crying because I'm so worried about Tals. When we got the phone call, I almost felt like I was going to scream. I was so scared and I didn't know what to do, I still don't.

We're pulling up to the hospital and I want to run out, before remembering that there are people here. I pull a mask and sunglasses out of my purse and cover my face, I should call some security, but the hospital should be safe for a while before they get here.

I follow Marcus and Jason into the building, surprisingly Jason seems extremely calm, Marcus on the other hand freaking the fuck out.

"OH MY GOD JASON WE MADE THE PLACEMENT WHAT IF WE LOSE OUR JOBS!" Marcus starts practically running around the hospital, while Jason walks up to the desk calmly and tells them that they're Talia's social workers, that they need to go see her, and that I'm coming with them.

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to follow them through the halls, but I do anyway, it's better than being in the waiting room.

Some people have been excited to see me recently. And it's gotten to be a bit much.

once we reach the room that Jason is leading us to we see a doctor, he's probably the one Marcus wouldn't let me talk to earlier. Jason starts talking to him while Marcus starts pacing around the hallway in circles, Suddenly he starts yelling at the doctor.

"She passed out again?" The doctor seems taken aback at Jason's sudden outburst, and I turn Over to see what's happening.

"Well sir there was nothing I could do, I wasn't in the room and I-" Jason cuts him off practically radiating anger.

"You left a room with a patient who has a concussion and had the possibility of passing out? Aren't you supposed to monitor that type of patient more carefully? Were you not doing your job properly?" Jason looks pissed, and I almost laugh, this guy, is talking to the doctor like he's stupid, and the doctor seems to just shrink back.

Go patchy beard, go.

For someone who isn't as intimidating as this guy, he sure is holding his own. I still don't like him though, but at least he's taking care of Tals.

"Excuse me? Is Tals in here? Can I see her?" I gesture to the closed door next to the doctor and Jason.

"Um-" the doctor gets cut off by Jason.

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