7 seconds of static noise (Chapter 27)

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^the look the productive half of me has been giving for not updating
Hay y'all I'm back... we're not gonna talk about my abscence, ok?😁🔪
Taylor's POV

I am so fucking high.

Edibles are bad idea around children Taylor.

And cats, because now one is sleeping in my lap.

"Benji, are you tired?"

My little fuzzy potato bag looks at me and stops purring to meow in agreement.

Alright then, I have to do something... what was I supposed to do again?

"Benji, do you remember?" I ask the sleeping cat, but there is not a care in the world anywhere near those eyes. Just hair. Lots and lots of cat hair.

Maybe I should ask Tals?

Nah, I'll figure it out.

Talia's POV

The car ride back to the group home is silent. Seth is kind of creepy, but I guess he's more professional than Cassie, in a driverly sense.

I wonder why Taylor doesn't drive anywhere, I wonder if she does maybe.

Maybe she's just really bad at it.

By the time I get to the group home Seth has said a total of one sentence to me, and he's using a GPS or Siri or something.

I told Addy I would be back soon, and she didn't respond. I wonder if she's mad at me.

Why would she be mad?

I don't know, she might be...

That doesn't make any sense, you didn't do anything.

But what if I did, she might be mad.

Stop talking to yourself in your head, it's weird.

I am weird though.

You mean I am?

We both are.

We're the same fucking person dumbass.

I get out of the car and wave goodbye to Seth, but I can't tell if he does anything, or even sees me. The windows are way to tinted to tell.

I make my way inside and knock on the door, standing there for a while before realizing the sun is setting. It's been a long day.

It's been a long week. A long month, a long year.

Everything's been to long. When I get the chance I'm taking a long nap, that's the only acceptable long thing right now.

And right now I'm so numb. I don't feel anything. And it's weird, I went through to much recently to process anything.

I need to process things, but I don't know how. I wish I did.

Addy opens the door, and I walk in smiling, going about the motions, answering questions about Taylor and laughing over dinner, talking, and the little girl who lost everything, smiles at me.

I wonder if I helped her.

I wonder if anyone helped me.

Taylor is, but why didn't anyone help me when I needed it. The walls were thin in that apartment, I know the neighbors heard. They could have said something, they could have helped.

But if I had gotten out of there, if they had helped, I wouldn't know Taylor.

And I'm really happy I know Taylor.

That night I cry myself to sleep quietly. But it's different, it's almost as if I'm crying for crying sake. Crying because I can, because I don't really truly know what I'm crying over, because I lost something I didn't even know was so real to me.

word count- 520?
So I've been gone for a while. I took like a very unofficial hiatus.
Also this is short and kinda shitty, but I figured I needed to update.
(Also sorry if the format is weird, my laptop like actually blew up so I had to change a few things up)
Bye y'all love you drink fluids it's good for u

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