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Streaks of sunlight shone through the window above the sleeping girl's bed, the sky outside painted with various shades of blue, clouds littering the sky

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Streaks of sunlight shone through the window above the sleeping girl's bed, the sky outside painted with various shades of blue, clouds littering the sky. This was Eunkyung's wake-up call, she tossed and turned for a bit before deciding to get up.

She didn't bother checking the time simply assuming that the members had gone to their schedules, to her surprise she was greeted by an all too-energetic Jisung latching onto an all too tired Renjun.

This caused Eunkyung to laugh, she shook her head before making her way over to the two. "Good morning, guys!!!" the two bickering boys stopped what they were doing, Renjun spun around to face Eunkyung, Jisung doing the complete opposite. Instead, he decided to shy away from the girl, too scared to talk to her.

"Good morning, Eun!!! Do you want some coffee? I was about to make myself some" Eunkyung looked between Renjun and the coffee machine, ultimately agreeing. "Yeah sure, thanks Injunnie!! Oh also, is Jaem up?" she looked at Renjun awaiting a response. He didn't bother speaking up and gave the girl a simple nod. "Oh cool, I'll be out in a minute, I need to talk to Jaem real quick." This time leaving the room without awaiting a response from the boy.

Once she was standing in front of his door as she lightly knocked. "Jaem" Eunkyung leant against the door slightly, not wanting to raise her voice and make too much unnecessarily loud noise. "Come in" Sounded through the door, granting the girl permission to enter.

She carefully pushed down the doorknob, lightly pushing on the door to grant herself entry. Once she made it in she looked around her cousin's room taking in the view. It wasn't much, very neutral colors. "what's up Eun?" She stood there watching Jaemin aimlessly run around the room to gather his belongings. "Uhm I was wondering if you knew if anywhere is hiring? I really need a job but don't know the area." Jaemin stopped for a second to think before turning to look at her, he nodded and walked over to her, slowly ushering her out of his door.

"We have to leave in about an hour for schedules, I'll bring you with me, I think I have an idea of a good job for you. Be ready, okay?" Eunkyung's eyes widened a fraction realizing she was not at all anywhere near ready. Jaemin wasn't even able to usher her out any further, the girl was already racing away in hopes of getting ready in time.

Once she got into her room, she pulled out her suitcase, looking through all of her clothing options between her suitcase and closet. Eventually choosing to wear a plain black skirt and a white button-up top with a lavender jumper tucked in. a cute pair of boots to go along with it. Once she had her outfit on (minus the boots for obvious reasons) she headed over to the bathroom with her makeup back. She spent the next half an hour doing a natural look not wanting to look too fake.

Just as she walked out of the bathroom, Jaemin yelled out to her. "Your ready Eun? It's time to go!!" Eunkyung picked up in pace quickly running into her room to grab her boots. "Yeah, I'm just getting the last few things I need I'll be there in 30 seconds!" Eunkyung turned around grabbing her phone and headphones before running out to see the members standing outside the apartment waiting for her.

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