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We went deep into the forest. It smelt of  ground mixed with the flower scent that opened my lungs.

You know what opened my lungs more?

Being hand in hand with the Prince Sunoo. It felt so euphoric. Just him being by my side feels so-


I shouldnt be thinking like this of my friend. He may be the most perfect being on this entire earth but he is still my good friend. Nothing more.

These intrusive thoughts are getting the better og me.

"I know this meadow that is filled with dandelions. Huge ones to be precise. They have fully bloomed so wouldnt you mind running through them?" Sunoo said as he swinged our arms as we walked,heading to the meadow.

"What kind of question is that? I would absolutely love to!" I basically dragged Sunoo. Its been so long since ive been with nature,since that fatal accident.

Seeing bees buzz around,melody of the birds and warm sunlight hitting my skin, was just all too much for me. Sunoo could clearly see that because his smile never left his face ever since we started walking.

Once we got there,there was a sight to see as soon as we reached the meadow. He wasnt lying about how huge the dandelions were. They were very big and lucious, shimmering under the sun showing how healthy they were.

I wish i can take some home.


"Here we are!" Sunoo yelled on top of his lungs making trees rustle as animals run away. I quietly laughed.

"Ayyy, you scared the poor animals you vile beast."

"Ill show you whos a vile beast."

"Catch me if you can." As i stormed off,straight into the meadow,sending dandelions floating away. I could see Sunoo from the distance laughing as i continued to run.

Why is he still laughing? The joke is long over.

All of sudden, he took off in full speed, bolting towards me. That triggered me to run faster then i ever before.

He was gaining up on me and he looked like a predator thats after its prey.


Let the games begin.

I swerved around a boulder on the left while dandelions blurring my vision.

They are all over the place!

Sunoo turned so quickly that he almost lost his balance, i took it to my advantage to run faster.

I almost tripped on some tree root, making me stumble as Sunoos scent got nearer. I tried collecting myself but i was getting very  exhausted.

No wonder why PE classes are so important, i felt so unfit.

I was huffing and puffing as my running started to slow down. Looking back, Sunoo was not even breaking a sweat.

Guess he was very fit.

I was slowly accepting defeat when he pounced on top of me,both of us tumbling down. The dandelions somehow made the landing gentle.

Sunoo was on top of me,catching his breath with a smile. His eyes was a portal that i subconsciously got trapped in. It happened countless times but each time it gets harder to escape.

"Got you."

Eyes still connected as we try to catch our breath.

Will he get off of me now!? Im dying.

He broke it off the eye contact as he rolled off to lay beside me.

" you werent supposed to catch me." I laughed quietly. "But well i did and you wont survive in the wild. You're such an easy catch." Sunoo pushed back his hair.

I just stuck out my tongue at him and sat up to properly enjoy the viey upon me. It was to die for. The air. The wind. The trees whistling against it. Butterflies fluttering around.

Oh right!

" where could i possibly find the special butterfly that brought me here?" I heaved a devested sigh as i turned to look at Sunoo.

"Well there is a tale that I know of...but im not sure if its true." Sunoos hair swayed in the wind as the sunlight hit his mystic eyes, glowing a dreamy shade of brown.

I know, i know . I just cant stop yapping about his eyes. Im addicted!

He is mine. Im claiming him. My heart is saying to put him into my savings account. I cant hide how i feel about him anymore.

That boy is mine~

"Tell me then." I insisted. " well there is a tale going around that the previous king, which was my grandfather, was a wizard of some sort. Many believed he was an evil one, others believed that he was a gracious one. Overall, he had an unhealthy obsession with insects. His particular favorite is a butterfly. He had a hobbie to go butterfly catching, whatever specie he could find and practiced spells on them. The main goal was to make an assistant butterfly because of his loneliness from grandmas passing. All his subjects died the more he tried to experiment with them so eventually his health deteriorated quickly. On his last days, he successfully made his dream buttetfly but it escaped. He passed on and people were sent to go find the butterfly."

Thats a lot.

" i am not sure of how true the story is but maybe they found the butterfly and is held captive in the castle. My mom has agreed that grandfather was a wizard but the butterfly part she is not aware of." Sunoo sighed as he brushed his hand on my back,reassuring me. I laid my head on his shoulder to let the information sink in.

"That story is indeed true. I was doing a history project about it and its true that the butterfly was found and held captive in your castle. It just that i dont exactly remember...where..." i said.

" No matter the situation, ill help you regardless the danger." Sunoo knew his way of comforting me.

But how?

How did yall manage to get through this hella of a crazy ride!! Come a lil closer.


I said closer!!!!

Good job♡ heres your reward:


Youll understand why in the near future. ^^

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